

Saturday, October 29, 2011

James Masing Department and District Were Rated The Lowest in the Accountability Index Rating

Saturday, 29th October 2011

Good Leader will resign immediately if proven that he/she was under performing like Masing Did.

Thumb Down For James Masing

AG Report for year 2010 indicated that the accountability index rating on financial management performance since 2007 for the Land Development Ministry is the lowest. Second lowest was Kapit District Council.Land Development Ministry is under James Masing whereas Kapit District Council is where he came from.
Whether coincident or not, Masing must take fully responsible for the AG report.
Making promise in the newspaper to look into the matter seriously  alone is not sufficient. Being the responsible leader as per what he always said about himself , he must resign from his post to give way more capable leader to take-up his job and to fix the mess.
To Masing, we urge you to resign from your post immediately!

Mupok Aku

US Embassy In Sarajevo Under Attack by Radical Muslim

Saturday, 29th October 2011

Radical Islamist gunman opens fire outside U.S. Embassy in Sarajevo in a terrorist attack.

A suspected radical Islamist gunman opened fire outside US embassy in Sarajevo today in an apparent terror attack.
Dramatic pictures show the heavily bearded gunman calmly walking the streets clutching his semi automatic weapon before indiscriminately shooting at civilians and police officers.
And the Bosnian president has told reporters he believes the shooting spree in front of the embassy was terrorist attack.

Pictures taken at the scene show the gunman chillingly approach the embassy carrying his weapon before callously open firing at officers and passers-by.

Earlier media reports said the man, identified as a member of the Wahhabi branch of Islam, was killed by a sniper after firing a Kalashnikov rifle at the US mission. 
But later it was confirmed the gunman, identified by Bosnian television as 23-year-old Serbian Mevlid Jasarevic, was still alive after being shot down in a police operation at the embassy.
'The doctors are conducting a medical intervention and the man is expected to be escorted from hospital by the police in next two to three hours,' said hospital spokeswoman Biljana Jandric.   

A police spokesman told Bosnian television at least one officer was injured before the gunman was taken down.
He added: 'The person who fired an automatic weapon was wounded and arrested during the police operation. 
'After receiving medical treatment on the scene the person was hospitalised.' police spokesman Irfan Nefic told national BHT television.

Embassy spokeswoman Sanja Pejcinovic would not go into details of the apparent attack.
'We can confirm there has been an incident in front of the embassy. The building is closed and we are waiting for the police to seal off the area', she told AFP.
Bosnian national radio said police were searching the vicinity of the embassy for possible accomplices.
'Several police patrols were sent to the scene. Two police men were wounded, one in the leg and one in the head," the radio reported.'

Bosnia, which was torn apart by war between Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslim), Croats and Serbs in 1992-95 as Yugoslavia collapsed, is considered a strong ally of the United States in the turbulent Balkans.               
Bakir Izetbegovic, the Muslim member of Bosnia's tripartite presidency, condemned the attack, saying the United States was a proven friend' of Bosnia.               
'The American government and people have supported us in the most difficult moments of our history, and nobody has the right to endanger the friendly relations between our two countries,' he said in a statement.

Jasminka Fisic, who was close to the embassy --located in the centre of Sarajevo near the iconic Holiday Inn hotel --told AFP by telephone that the entire area was sealed off with police cars speeding towards the embassy.
Bosnia is home to a small minority of followers of Wahhabism, a strict and ultra-conservative brand of Islam which is dominant in Saudi Arabia.
During Bosnia's 1992-95 war between its Croats, Muslims and Serbs, a large number of volunteers from Muslim nations flocked to the Balkan country to take up arms.
Many of these Muslim fighters stayed on after the conflict and obtained Bosnian citizenship. Some in the mostly moderate Bosnian Muslim community have converted to the more radical Islam preached by several ex-mujahedeen.
The U.S. embassy in Sarajevo, a mainly Muslim city, closed briefly in March 2002 citing an unspecified threat, but the building has not come under attack before.

Mupok Aku

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Tidak Hairan Dengan Kehadiran Rahim Serta Perlantikan Zulkifli Nordin Sebagaii Naib Presiden PERKASA

Thursday, 27th October 2011

Apa yang nak dihairankan dengan dua orang Cilaka ini di dalam PERKASA....Sekejap lagi akan jadi perkasaM!

Apa nak hairan dengan kehadiran Rahim Noor di dalam perhimpunan PERKASA serta perlantikan Zulkifli Nordin sebagai Timbalan Presiden PERKASA sebab selain atas sebab-sebab di bawah kedua-dua orang cilaka ini juga mempunyai persamaan sebagai pemimpin SAMPAH iaitu pemimpin yang kena tendang. Rahim kena "pecat" dari jawatan KPN manakala Zulkifli Nordin kena campak dari PKR.....

Apabila mengetahui melalui portal tempatan berkenaan dengan kehadiran Rahim Noor di dalam perhimpunan PERKASA seterusnya dikurniakan dengan Pahlawan Pribumi pertubuhan perkauman berkenaan serta dengan perlantikan Zulkifli Nordin sebagai Timbalan Presiden PERKASA saya tergelak bagaikan rasa nak tercabut isi perut. Manakan tidaknya kedua-dua orang yang disebut-sebut dapat menaikkan nama PERKASA berkenaan masing-masing mempunyai keburukan.

Rahim Noor yang merupakan Ketua Polis Negara yang kelima dan berkhidmat dari 16 Januari 1994 tetapi meletakkan jawatannya pada 7 Januari 1999 terlibat dengan kes menumbuk Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim dalam keadaan matanya tertutup pada 20 September 1998 ketika berada dalam tahanan polis di lokap polis Bukit Aman. Atas kesalahan ini beliau telah dipenjarakan dua bulan pada 15 Disember 2000.

Semenjak dari itu nama beliau telah lenyap dan tidak kedengaran sehinggalah disebut di dalam perhimpunan PERKASA. Pada tanggapan saya ada banyak sebab kenapa bekas KPN ini menyertai PERKASA tetapi hanya dua sebab ini yang paling ketara. Yang pertama untuk membersihkan nama beliau yang telah tercemar serta membusuk setelah dipenjarakan atau dengan perkataan lain sebagai publisiti murahan. Yang kedua, nak membalas dendam terhadap Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang telah menyebabkan beliau dipenjara serta kehilangan jawatan KPN.

Manakala dua (2) sebab yang paling nyata kenapa Zulkifli Nordin menyertai PERKASA adalah yang pertama kerana beliau memang mempunyai sikap ektremis yang membenci kaum lain serta kepercayaannya bahawa di Malaysia hanya agama Islam sahaja yang harus dibenarkan serta mesti dominan.Ini dapat dibuktikan atas tindak-tanduknya semasa beliau masih di dalam PKR. Sebab yang ke-2 pula adalah sikap balas dendam beliau terhadap DSAI. Semasa di dalam PKR beliau telah hidup atas belas kasihan DSAI tetapi setelah DSAI tidak bersetuju dengan sikap ektremisnya seterusnya dipecat dari PKR, maka bermula dari tarikh berkenaan beliau mempunyai persaan benci yang amat sangat terhadap beliau. Perkara ini dapat dibuktikan dengan kekerapan beliau muncul di dalam TV3 untuk menghentam DSAI.

Kesimpulannya, kehadiran Rahim Noor serta perlantikan Zulkifli Nordin di dalam PERKASA tidak akan memberikan impak yang kuat terhadap keberkesanan PERKASA di dalam menyatukan orang Melayu ini kerana kedua-dua Cilaka ini mempunyai sebab yang sama iaitu masuk PERKASA atas faktor bencikan DSAI. Disamping itu, faktor yang paling penting kenapa PERKASA tidak akan berjaya untuk mempengaruhi pengundi Melayu untuk mengundi BN adalah kerana kebanyakan kaum Melayu lebih sukakan keamanan serta bencikan sikap perkauman seperti yang diamalkan PERKASA. Majoriti kaum Melayu juga percaya bahawa orang yang menyertai PERKASA adalah terdiri daripada mereka yang tidak mempunyai tempat baik di dalam UMNO, PAS ataupun PKR. Rahim Noor serta Zulkifli Nordin adalah contoh orang Melayu ektremis yang bakal terkubur pengaruh serta tapak politik selepas Pilihanraya Umum yang akan datang!

Mupok Aku

Philippines Unveils World Largest Ten Commandments Tablet

Thursday, 27th October 2011

A building-sized edifice carved with the Bible's Ten Commandments was unveiled Wednesday, 26th October 2011 in the Philippines, making it the largest tablet of its kind, according to Guinness World Records.
The tablet, a copy of the rules supposedly handed down by God to Moses on Mount Sinai, was inaugurated by city officials on a hill overlooking the northern resort city of Baguio.
A local religious group, donated the imposing 152.90 square metre (1,650 square foot) tablet to the city as they were presented a certificate from Guinness World Records.

"This beautiful and divine edifice will serve to drive away the evils of spirits that time and again emerge," said Baguio Congressman Bernardo Vergara at the inauguration.
"May it drive away evils of illegal drugs, gambling, prostitution."
The religious leader who sponsored the project, Grace Galindez-Gupana, topped her previous world record, attained in 2009 when she built a similar 65-square-metre tablet on a hill outside Manila.


Mupok Aku

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Audit Finds Sharizat Jalil's Family Made Mess of National Cattle Farming Project

Wednesday, 26th October 2011

This what PM's "1Malaysia-People First Performance Now" really means!

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 25 — A RM73.64 million government project — linked to minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil’s family — to create Malaysia’s “Beef Valley” has turned into a mess, a federal audit report said.

The Auditor-General’s Report, released yesterday, showed that the National Feedlot Centre (NFC) set up in 2008 in Gemas, Negri Sembilan failed to hit its target of breeding 8,000 cattle last year.

Under the 9th Malaysia Plan, the centre is expected to produce 60,000 cattle by 2015.

“An audit check found production in 2010 was only at 3,289 heads of cattle or 41.1 per cent,” the report said.

The audit was conducted between January and March this year.

Among the reasons cited were the NFC corporation’s poor management including its failure to train 130 farmers for the project, the 5,000-acre farmland in Gemas being overgrown with thorny acacia shrubs, and poor use and maintenance of its facilities.

Auditor-General Tan Sri Ambrin Buang also said the ministry’s initial main operator, Lamberts Agricultural Trade (M) Sdn Bhd, had backed out of the project, a move that contributed to the dismal performance.

The NFC is a joint-venture between Negri Sembilan and federal government through the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry (MoA) to commercially produce more beef domestically and cut down import of the meat.

Previous media reports showed the MoA picked a company called Agroscience Industries Sdn Bhd, owned by Shahrizat’s husband, Datuk Dr Mohamad Salleh Ismail, to spearhead the project, under a company called National Feedlot Corporation Sdn Bhd (NFCorp).

Mohamad Salleh is also NFCorp’s executive chairman.

Shahrizat’s (picture) three children, Izran, Izmir and Izzana, also play key roles in the NFCorp, the Malay Mail reported on June 24 this year. Izran is CEO while his brother and sister are executive directors.

The family-controlled beef project is marketed under the label “Gemas Gold” and can be found on the menus of several family-owned restaurants in the Klang Valley.

The audit report also found NFCorp did not finalise the standard operating procedure or implementation agreement in 2010.

It noted NFCorp claimed it could not do so because the government has yet to build an abattoir capable of slaughtering 350 heads of cattle a day.

The audit report said the Treasury completed a study on the slaughterhouse on April 5 this year to be presented to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

The audit report noted that two factories related to the project have yet to be built, namely the livestock feed factory that was part of the pilot project under the entrepreneur development programme, and a bio-gas factory to process waste from the abattoir and the feedlot into fuel for the farm.

The report stressed infrastructure upkeep as the most important factor for the project’s success and recommended the MoA devise a “Blue Ocean” strategy to boost its cattle breeding production to meet the original 60,000 target by 2015.

Mupok Aku

Rural Folks Condemn Alexander Nanta For Lauding The Implementation of GST

Wednesday, 26th October 2011

This MP should keep his mouth shut rather  than keep it open can anger the people. That was the most suitable advise that I could give to Alexander Nanta Linggi after I read an article published in Borneo Post yesterday.
I was stunned to read in Borneo Post how he lauded the BN leadership in imposing the GST. To the government the GST may be good but how about the rural folks especially the people of Kapit. People in Kapit should know what to do to punish their MP in the coming General Election in which many people predicted will be held in December 2011.

Borneo Post reports MP Datuk Alexander Nanta Linggi lauded the Goods and Service Tax (GST), which is implemented in 167 developed countries worldwide, as a good move to uplift the economy and improve people’s lives.

He said:
“To achieve a developed nation status in 8 years from now by the year 2020, we need to implement GST. GST is a vital tool for the development of the country. GST needs to be implemented to replace the existing national tax policy so as to be more efficient, transparent and effective,”
He said this when officiating at the closing of an awareness programme on GST organised by Royal Customs Department, Sibu branch in collaboration with Kapit District Office at Meligai Hotel here on Saturday afternoon.

“Despite being located far in the interior, at least Kapit is not left out of the programme as the division is one of the financial contributors to the development of the country. Hopefully the participants know what GST is and impart the knowledge to their colleagues and friends. It is a good beginning and I hope that more such programmes will be held here in the future. GST is something new to Kapit though only a handful of people know of the system,” he pointed out.
On the importance of GST, Nanta said the government could not rely on taxes alone which were insufficient to finance its various mega development programmes.

To Alex, dont just said about the mega projects, I have this question for this MP " How is the GST going to benefits the people  from the longhouses especially in Kapit? Dont you know by imposing GST will increase the price of goods?

Mupok Aku

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2010: Kem 1 Divisyen di Muara Tuang Bernilai RM214 Juta Terbengkalai

Tuesday, 25th October 2011

Tidak percaya sungguh bagaimana kem yang bernilai RM 214 Juta dan telah dilanjut sebanyak 3 kali masih belum dapat disiapkan. Sebagai seorang bekas pegawai tentera, dari luar saya sangat bangga melihat kem ini. saya telah menyiarkan gambar-gambar kem berkenaan di 1Malaysia-Photogallery. Tetapi apabila terbaca laporan Ketua Audit bagi tahun 2010,  saya merasa sangat  kesal dan malu ini kerana kema yang sepatutnya menempatkan . ibu pejabat 1 Div serta sebuah pasukan elit infantri  10 RRD walaupun dari luar nampak telah siap sepenuhnya tetapi  hakikatnya masih belum ssiap sepenuhnya selamat untuk dihuni.

Projek pembinaan Kem Muara Tuang, Sarawak yang eslesai pada Februari tahun lalu, masih belum lengkap dan beberapa kecacatan serta kepincangan mula terserlah, kata Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2010.

Menurut laporan itu, hanya 95.7 peratus berjaya disiapkan meskipun kerajaan telah membenarkan tiga kali lanjutan tarikh akhir untuk projek bernilai RM214.43 juta.

Pasukan audit juga mendapati kerja-kerja dijalankan tidak mengikut spesifikasi yang ditetapkan.Antaranya, kayu yang tidak berkualti digunakan, kecaccatan kerja-kerja konkrit, kerja lepaan simen yang nipis dan bahan-bahan kalis air mula tertanggal.

“Berdasarkan pemerhatian tersebut, pihak Audit telah memberi teguran kepada perunding/kontraktor dan pada bulan Mac 2011, Tim Projek memaklumkan bahawa tindakan telah diambil oleh kontraktor untuk membaiki kerja tersebut.

“Sekiranya kerja yang tidak mengikut spesifikasi/tidak berkualiti yang dibangkitkan tidak diperbaiki, pihak Audit akan mengesyorkan kepada Kementerian supaya nama perunding dan kontraktor ini disenaraihitamkan,” petik laporan itu.

Kontraktor berkenaan Konsortium Jendela Hikmat Sdn Bhd (JHSB) juga didapati belum  membayar bon pelaksanaan RM10.72 juta, seperti yang dikehendaki oleh Kementerian Kewangan untuk projek-projek yang bernilai melebihi RM200, 000.

JHSB, yang telah dianugerahkan kontrak berkenaan pada Mei 2006, memberi alasan seperti kenaikan kos bahan-bahan pembinaan akibat perkembangan ekonomi yang tidak menentu memberi kesan kepada nilai tanah yang dibangunkannya.

Mupok Aku

PRS enggau SPDP Udah Tulah lalu Deka Mati

Tuesday, 25th October 2011

PRS enggau SPDP Tulah. Dua iti Parti tu dijangka deka alah teruk dalam pengawa bepilih ti deka datai

Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) enggau Sarawak Progressive Democratic Party (SPDP) nya parti ti majoriti diari ke bansa Dayak kelebih agi bansa Iban. Kedua-dua parti tu asal iya ari Sarawak National Party (SNAP). Ari berita ke dedinga pasal dua parti tu, maioh orang madah kedua-dua parti tu deka "mati" nitih ke Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak (PBDS). Nyadi nitih ke pengarap Iban, parti PBDS, PRS enggau SPDP tu udah TULAH. Pemati kedua-dua parti ti agi idup tu dijangka deka ngangkat ke Parti SNAP lalu pia mega lalu deka nyadi ke pengangkat bansa Iban. Tang ni maya. Baka artikel ke ditulis aku ke sekali tu deka nguji nerang bakani ko kedua-dua parti PRS enggau SPDP tu tau mati.

Enti kitai sama ingat, parti SNAP bepun pecah serta PBDS ngaga penulah dalam taun 1981 udah bekau Dto Leo Monggie ti alah laban Dato James Wong dalam pengawa bepilih nyadi President Parti SNAP. Udah ti alah bepilih dia Dato Monggie enggau Datuk Daniel Tajem lalu ngaga parti PBDS.

Lalu dalam taun 2002 dia parti SNAP lalu bepecah baru. Nyadi kebuah SNAP pecah maia tu udah pengawa James Wong ke muai Datuk Tiong King Sing. Laban ke enda setuju enggau pengawa James Wong ke muai Datuk Tiong dia sida Tan Sri William Mawan lalu  ngelaban James Wong. Lalu bala ke nitih ke William Mawannya baka sida Peter Tinggom, Peter Nansian, Jacob Sagan Dunggau, Peter Nyarok, Sylvester Entri, Geman Itam, Judson Tagal enggau Tiki Lafe. 

Leadership Crisis tu ke ngujung ke SNAP lalu di"haram" ke oleh ROS  kena 5 Nov 2002 . Bekau tu dia bala ke rapat enggau William Mawan tu numboh ke Parti SPDP, lalu dalam kandang 3 hari dia SPDP lalu dikemendar ke oleh ROS, lalu diterima masuk BN.

Lalu baka parti PRS bemula kena bulan Disember 2003 leboh bala ti diulu ke Dato James Masing enggau Datok Sng ngelaban bla Dato daniel tajem nyadi Presiden udah bekau Dato Leo Monggie ti badu ngenyit nyadi President PBDS. Nyadi krisis tu ngujung ke parti PBDS di"haram"kan oleh ROS.

Lalu bala sida James Wong serta bala ti sayau ke SNAP ngelaban ROS ngena jalai becara. Lalu SNAP udah ada idup baru kena 23 Jun 2010 udah Court of Appeal ngemendar ke appeal SNAP. Lalu bepun arinya, SNAP lalu idup baru, lalu penusah lalu nuntung sida PRS enggau SPDP.

Nyadi enti kita meda kedua-dua bengkah parti tu ianya PRS enggau SPDP sama bisi penanggul di dalam. Di dalam PRS, crisis parti nya enggau Larry Sng dipeda lalu mandang ke Taib Mahmud nadai bebasa ke James Masing. Lalu maia bepilih taun tu tadi dia pengari parti tu di Pelagus ianya Stanley Nyitar dialah ke oleh George Lagong ianya  pengari ti mula-mula deka ngena lambang SNAP tang betukar ngagai Parti Bebas enggau pengelebih undi  2,837. Lagong bulih 5,740 undi lalu enggi  Nyitar semina  2,903.

Selain arinya, bisi mega sekeda pengari ari PRS ti bepilih dalam taun 2008 nya ukai dipilih Masing. Pengari baka William Nyallau Badak, Malcom Mussen Lamoh , Snowdan Lawan enggau Masir Kujat endang ukai pengari ke dipilih Masing. Maioh orang pecaya  dalam PRS endang bisi orang deka muai Masing. Taja ia udah selamat dalam krisis enggau Datuk Sng tang maioh agi orang dalam PRS deka muai iya. Baka Joseph Salang, ti dipeda makin kuat dijangka deka ngelaban Masing.

Lalu baka SPDP, parti tu dipeda  semina nganti maia aja deka pecah. Tan Sri William Mawan di dalam krisis ngelaban SPDP 5 dipeda  "lost command".  Nyadi ketuai pekara ti pemadu ditakutnya pasal "Lost Command" laban enti nadai command, ketuai tu deka nyadi orang ti nadai kuasa. Enti dalam sedadu enti pegawai lost command manah agi minta posting ari Unit ti di pegai.

Lalu krisis dalam SPDP tu deka ngujung ke parti SPDP pecah, lalu dia kitai deka meda pengada parti baru. Enti tu nyadi, aku jangka ia deka berepun maia pengawa bepilih ti deka datai.

Laban ti udah tulah, aku jangka kedua-dua parti tu ianya PRS enggau SPDP deka kilal dalam pengawa bepilih ti deka datai lalu ngujung ke parti dua bengkah tu deka mati. Lalu baka SNAP aku jangka parti tu deka angkat baru dalam pengawa bepilih ti deka datai...Idup SNAP, Mati PRS enggau SPDP!

Mupok Aku

Lalu dalam taun

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Terbukti bahawa UMNO di belakang Himpun

Sunday, 23rd October 2011

Bukti kukuh bahawa UMNO di belakang HIMPUN. Di antara bukti yang paling ketara adalah sokongan media portal dan surat khabar UMNO yang menyokong perhimpunan tersebut. Di antaranya adalah blog bernilai 20 sen iaitu Papa Gomo

Lihat bagaimana suratkhabar kepunyaan UMNO ini  begitu Rasis tanpa memperdulikan sensitiviti penganut agama Kristian di Malaysia khasnya. Sekiranya ianya bukan milik UMNO, sudah lama suratkhabar ini terkubur. Saya hanya ada perkataan CILAKA untuk akhbar ini!

Saya tidak mahu mengulas lanjut tetapi cukuplah bahawa UMNO adalah di belakang Himpun. Sebagai rakyat Sarawak, saya ingin menggesa rakyat negeri ini terutamanya yang beragama Kristian serta bukan Islam yang lain agar tidak menyokong BN kerana BN tidak dapat melindungi kepentingan agama kristian. Dan kepada rakyat Sarawak yang beragama Islam saya juga inging menggesa agar mereka  tidak memberikan sokongan kepada BN kerana BN sudah gagal untuk mengekalkan persafahaman sesama rakyat yang terdiri daripada berbilang agama dan bangsa di negeri Bumi Kenyalang ini.

Sila lihat petikan Papa Gomo yang menyiarkan tajuk yang berbentuk provokasi di dalam blognya dengan tajuk " Individu Yang Memurtadkan Umat Islam Wajib Dibunuh" . Di dalam tulisannya 
Papa Gomo telah menyeru serta setuju dengan risalah yang diedarkan semasa perhimpunan HIMPUN semalam yang menggesa agar orang Kristian yang memurtadkan orang Islam di Selangor dibunuh. Kalaulah gesaan itu boleh dibuat, apakah pula gesaan yang boleh dibuat terhadap perbuatan orang Islam yang mengislamkan orang-orang Kristian di Malaysia? Tapi saya rasa orang Kristian tidak akan berbuat demikian ini kerana asas kepada agama Kristan adalah menyeru kepada kebaikan terhadap sesama manusia.

Nampak gayanya Papa Gomo sudah melampau sampai menyeru pembunuhan orang Kristian. Kita akan memerhatikan dari dekat apakah tindakan yang akan diambil oleh PM serta pihak berkuasa terhadap Papagomo. Kalau perbuatan ini dilakukan oleh orang Kristian terhadap Islam saya percaya sejuta Laporan Polis akan dibuat oleh  mereka ini.

Mupok Aku

Wrongly Molest Accusation Against LGE's 16 Years Old Son: Muhyiddin Doesn't Look Fit As Minister What to say DPM

Sunday, 23rd Oct 2011

I am sad to have the most stupid DPM like Muhyiddin. He should resign from his post to give way to more capable leader especially from Sabah or Sarawak

How can Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin be so cruel as to continue to repeat the lies by Umno blogs against my 16-year-old son and question whether my son is innocent of the lies of sexual misconduct, when the lady “victim” had asserted that she had not even met me or my son and furthermore, the Penang Education Director has declared the allegations were not true?

I am appalled and disgusted by Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s remarks that my mere denial of sexual harassment claims against my 16-year old son was inadequate. Instead, Muhyiddin says that “if the Penang chief minister thinks it is important to correct the information, then he has to come up with a strong statement.”

It was Umno blogs that started it, but DPM pretends not to know

What more strong statement is required from me when I had condemned these barbaric lies as totally unacceptable, inhumane; and the UMNO and BN leaders involved as ferociaous beasts preying on the innocence of young children. Umno bloggers had printed pictures of my son and the alleged victim whom they claimed my son had outraged her modesty. They had claimed that my son tried to escape punishment by using my name and I had paid the girl’s family off with RM200,000 to hush up the matter.

The photograph of the purported “victim” used by Umno bloggers was that of 21-year-old chess grandmaster Anya Sun Corke who is studying at Wellesley College in the United States Anya had already issued a statement denying the charge and expressed sympathy for my son for being a victim of such vicious and barbaric lies.

As a result of PR Penang government’s solid performance in clean and effective governance for the people, UMNO bloggers has been trying to finish me off politically with lies and politics of hate. When they failed, they now train their guns on my innocent school-going son.

Amongst some UMNO leaders who highligted this shameful episode in the blogs is Bukit Gelugor(Penang) UMNO Division vice-chairman Dr Novandri Hasan Basri. He was then followed by many UMNO leaders rehashing the lies. Sadly even UMNO Youth chief Khairy Jamaludin joined in these shameful lies by poking fun at my son with this tweet:-

@Khairykj Khairy Jamaluddin
@PapaGomo Mungkin dia roboh Kampung Buah Pala sebab nak ganti dengan Kampung Buah Dada.

Anya the 'victim' has denied, so has the Penang Education Director

Even though the alleged victim had come out with a statement denying the lies, there is no remorse or apology as yet from Khairy or UMNO leaders to my son. Instead of condemning Khairy or Dr Novandri for practicing “the lowest of gutter politics”, Muhyiddin has seen fit to question my denials and that I should not blame others for the allegations.

How can Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin be so cruel as to continue to repeat the lies by UMNO blogs against my 16 year old son and question whether my son is innocent of lies of sexual misconduct when the lady “victim” had asserted that she had not even met me or my son and the Penang Education Director had declared the allegations were not true?

Penang Education Director Ahmad Tarmizi Kamaruddin had told the Star on 22.10.2011 that his department found no evidence to back the claims of sexual misconduct against my son in several blogs. Ahmad said that it was wrong to drag a student into any controversy to gain poltical mileage. “Children should be left out of politics,” Ahmad added.

If Muhyiddin wants to be seen as fit for the post of Prime Minister, he must be moral and ethical. He fails this moral and ethical test by picking on a 16-year old son who is still schooling and has no chance of defending himself. If Muhyiddin hates me so much, he can do his worst to finish me off politically. But Muhyiddin should not join the craven pack of cowards to pick on my 16-year old son and put my son again through this traumatic experience.

Muhyiddin loses the respect of decent Malaysians if he behaves in the same arrogant manner as those ferocious UMNO beasts who know only how to bully my 16-year old son and feast on a child’s innocence.

Mupok Aku

Friday, October 21, 2011

UMNO Could be The Third Party Behind the Suspension Of Prof Abdul Aziz Bari

Friday, 21st Oct 2011

UMNO the dirtiest political party in Malaysia has been involved in most of the incidences that nearly jeopardised the freedom of Malaysia since after "merdeka" until now. The incidences such as  May 1969, the formation of PERKASA the racist movement, DUMC Incidence and finally the suspension of Law Professor Aziz Bari all had been instrumented by racist UMNO. Another incidence the HIMPUN which will be held on Saturday, 22nd Oct 2011 is also instrumented by UMNO members. Names like Sengkatak Ezam, Zul Nordin and Ibrahim Ali have been implicated as the organiser of HIMPUN. Muhyidin had denied the involvement of UMNO but the evident shows otherwise. Why Malaysian need to trust this "Malay First 1Malaysia Second" DPM? 

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 21 — The academic staff of the International Islamic University of Malaysia (UIA) have joined the protest against the university’s suspension of Prof Dr Abdul Aziz Bari, stating that the law professor is a victim of ignorant “allegations and pressure.”

Just hours after 700 UIA students gathered at the Gombak campus this morning to demand Abdul Aziz’s reinstatement, the university’s academic staff have also come out to condemn the indefinite suspension that followed after the don had allegedly criticised the Selangor Sultan.

“Abdul Aziz Bari (picture) should be thanked for getting a nation to think. He should not be punished for the reaction of third parties.

“The allegations and pressure that are not based on knowledge levelled against Abdul Aziz Bari are a waste of time and lowers the status of the country in the eyes of the world,” the UIA Malaysia Academic Staff Association (PKA UIAM) said in a statement today.

Aziz’s suspension has raised the mercury ahead of tomorrow’s planned gathering of a million Muslims to rally against “the challenge of Christianisation” on the back of alleged proselytising by Christians.

Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah had decreed recently that the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) had found evidence of proselytisation by non-Muslims during a dinner held at the Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC) on August 3 but said it was insufficient for further legal action.

Abdul Aziz’s statement that the intervention was “unusual and inconsistent” and not done in line with Islamic teachings caused a furore in Parliament among Barisan Nasional (BN) MPs who urged that action be taken against the UIA law lecturer.

Although a police report has been lodged against him, the outspoken academic has decided against apologising for his remarks, insisting he had not meant to challenge the Sultan.

“We feel aggrieved at the external interference in the education system that should be free and professional,” PKA UIAM added.

A large crowd at the Himpunan Sejuta Umat (Himpun), or Gathering of a Million Faithful, tomorrow could push Umno and PAS to seek relevance among more religious Malays and raise already simmering fears of Islamisation among non-Muslims and more liberal Malays.

Christian leaders have labelled Himpun’s fight against proselytisation “irrelevant” and cautioned the group against provoking religious tension by going ahead with the rally.

Although Umno has defended Himpun’s freedom to assemble, its partners in the ruling BN, MCA and Gerakan, have urged for the rally to be called off as they fear it will harm race and religious relations.

PAS has said the gathering should remain apolitical while PKR insists there is no threat from Christians.

Mupok Aku

Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi Was Shot Dead Without Mercy!

Friday, 21st October 2011

No matter how bad is a man he deserves a humane treatments. After I looked at some of the photos posted in the online news, I was surprised to see how Ghadaffi was brutally treated by his own countrymen.He must had committed "a cardinal sin" towards his people during his 42 years reign on Libya.As lesson learned to all the leaders particularly those who have been on power for more than 20 years. Winning the election does not mean that leader should hang on to power. I have some advise to our leader in Sarawak to learn from Ghadaffi. Every leader should know when to call it a day and do not wait for the same fate like Ghadaffi. Ghadaffi was reported to beg for mercy from his captors but people were to angry at him and killed him with single shot to the head.

Libya's hated tyrant — found skulking in a drainage pipe in a suburb of his home city — was shown no mercy as he was thrown wounded on to a truck.
It set off for the centre of Sirte two miles away but was surrounded by a baying mob.

The monster was then hauled out — and filmed on mobile phones as he was unceremoniously dragged in agony through the dusty streets.
 Blood pouring from his face, the brute behind the slaughter of thousands of his countrymen desperately begged for his life.

But his pleas fell on deaf ears. The Mad Dog — who had been stripped of his shirt — was killed by a bullet to the left temple.
Gaddafi's humiliation did not end there. Angry crowds took off their shoes to batter his dead face with the soles — a dire Arab insult.
The announcement he had been killed — as his stronghold of Sirte became the last city to fall to the revolution — sparked jubilation across the country the maniac ruled with an iron fist for 42 years.
The young freedom fighter who found him hiding in the pipe under a road was hailed a national hero and paraded shoulder-high.
Grinning Mohammed al Bibi, 20, was greeted by wild crowds in Sirte amid volley after volley of celebration gunfire.
He told how the tyrant was armed with only his James Bond villain-style "golden gun" — which he was often photographed with — when he was discovered.
Enlarge The young rebel — wearing a New York Yankees baseball cap instead of an Army helmet — said that as he grabbed it, Gaddafi begged: "Don't shoot. Don't shoot."
He was still brandishing the ornate souvenir as overjoyed crowds surrounded him chanting: "God is great!"
Gaddafi's corpse was finally loaded on to an ambulance and taken to Misrata — the city that held out against months of slaughter by the tyrant's bloodthirsty forces.
Last night the revolutionary government claimed Gaddafi was shot in the head by crossfire as he was being taken to hospital — where he arrived alive but then died.
But that account was at odds with the version given by ecstatic freedom fighters in Sirte.
One said in broken English: "We catch him and we shot him — somebody shot him by gun... 9mm."
Adel Busamir said he saw people "beating" Gaddafi, adding: "Someone shot him with a 9mm pistol — then they took him away."
The grisly footage as the balding tyrant was paraded wounded was taken as crowds chanted: "The blood of the martyrs shall not be in vain."
Battered Gaddafi — blood oozing from his mouth — is seen struggling as he is pushed stumbling and shouting on to the bonnet of a pickup truck.
One man shouts: "We want him alive! We want him alive!"

Gaddafi is dragged away towards an ambulance — with captors pulling his hair. Later footage showed fighters rolling his lifeless body over on the pavement, stripped to the waist and with a pool of blood under his head.
Abdullah Berrassali, of the National Transitional Council, later left citizens in no doubt about the tyrant's fate. He declared: "Gaddafi is dead, absolutely dead."
The spokesman went on: "I have always said that the priority would be to take Gaddafi alive and put him on a fair, just trial. But if he resisted arrest there was a great likelihood he would be killed."
Gaddafi's presence in Sirte, which is 300 miles from capital Tripoli, explains why fighting there has been so intense over the past few weeks — with loyalists desperate to protect their leader.
British Tornado jets were yesterday in the sky, leading the reconnaissance mission when the fleeing tyrant's convoy was bombed.
As Sirte fell, desperate Gaddafi snipers ditched their military uniforms and fired indiscriminately at civilians.
Following the brute's death, revolutionary fighters there yelled: "We did it! We did it!"
They then prayed for the 40,000 "martyrs" who had lost their lives in the uprising.
Last night massive celebrations were being held from Benghazi to Tripoli as the nation hailed a "new era for free Libya".
The new national flag filled streets and squares as crowds sang and fired guns in the air.
Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril said in Tripoli: "We have been waiting for this moment for a long time. Muammar Gaddafi has been killed."

Abdel-Jalil Abdel-Aziz, a doctor who was part of the medical team that accompanied the body in the ambulance and examined it, said Gaddafi had two wounds. One was to the chest, which is believed to be where he had been wounded when he crawled into the drainage pipe.
The shot that killed him was to the head. The doctor said: "You can't imagine my happiness today. I can't describe my happiness.
"The tyranny is gone. Now the Libyan people can rest."
In Misrata, Gaddafi's body was loaded on to a vehicle to be paraded through the streets. People in Tripoli hugged each other as cars honked their horns.
Military spokesman Col Ahmed Bani said: "I reassure everyone that this story has ended and this book has closed."

 Mupok Aku

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim : Pakatan Rakyat Does Not Support Himpun

Wednesday, 19th October 2011

Malaysian should now realised which party they must vote for in the coming election. Being the peace loving citizen I like the comment of one of the reader to the popular local portal who said " what a laughing stock? Malaysian Christians are trying to convert muslims here.....! So you muslims are afraid of Christians that you need to rally against Christians? Come on dont try to create trouble in this country as we know we are supposed to respect one another live peacefully to promote our beloved country regardless of what race or religion. All religions teach us good values and to love one another".

This is the leader that is most suitable for a multi-racial and religious like Malaysia. Any one heard of any  comment from  Malaysia PM Najib Tun Razak? For Najib, 1Malaysia is just a rhetoric!

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 19 — Pakatan Rakyat (PR) said today it will not support Saturday’s gathering of a million Muslims as Islam is not facing the threat of Christianisation.
Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim told a press conference today that there was no reason to fear the church as “we have all the power and laws to enhance the understanding of Islam but it has not been done” by the Barisan Nasional (BN) government.

“Instead, those in power only inculcate fear. We have never believed that Islam is being threatened by Christianisation,” the PKR de fato leader said.

The Himpunan Sejuta Umat (Himpun) or Gathering of a Million Faithful, is organised by various right-wing religious groups calling for Muslims to rise up against the “challenge of Christianisation.”

The rally was mooted after the controversial raid on the Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC) on August 3 where it was alleged that Christians were proselytising to Muslims there.

About 1,000 Facebook users have confirmed their attendance so far but should Himpun draw much more this weekend, it could push Umno and PAS to seek relevance among more religious Malays.

With ethnic tensions already rising in the years following the 2008 general election, it could raise already simmering fears of Islamisation among non-Muslims and more liberal Malays.

Anwar (picture) added that after PAS said last night it would not back Himpun as the organisers wanted it to be apolitical, PKR had also decided to follow suit as “there can be negative impact” to inter-faith relations.

“But we have compelling evidence to suggest that Umno is involved as its media is playing it up and they only support an event if it is backed by Umno,” the Permatang Pauh MP said.

Distrust between Muslims and Christians peaked when the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) raided the Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC) in Petaling Jaya on August 3, claiming it was proselytising Muslims.

This came after repeated disputes between church and mosque, such as the legal battle over the use of the word Allah to refer to the Christian god.

An initial court ruling allowing the Catholic Church to use the term Allah had led to places of worship being firebombed in January last year.

The government also buckled under pressure and ordered the release of Malay-language bibles seized before Sarawakians, half of whom are Christians, voted in the April 16 state polls.

Before the Jais raid, Umno’s Utusan Malaysia and Malay rights lobby Perkasa accused the DAP of conspiring to turn Malaysia into a Christian state.

Although DUMC has denied Jais’s claims, Utusan Malaysia fanned the flames with allegations that Christian groups in Kuala Lumpur and Johor were actively trying to convert Muslims.

Anwar added today that the party “advises our members not to attend the gathering due to the ramifications of such an event” but said that it would not take disciplinary action against those who do.

Mupok Aku

Between Himpun and Bersih 2.0 Which One Has Potential To Disrupt Malaysia Unity?

Wednesday, 19th October 2011

Bersih was Held for the Interests of All Malaysians and On the Other Hand Himpun is planned for the interest of the Muslims but Why The Police Approved the Later and Not the Former? All Malaysians has the right to know the answer.

1Malaysia : Muslim First, Malaysia Second!

This coming Sataurday, 22nd October 2011, million of muslims are expected to gather at Shah Alam stadium to rally. The purpose of the gathering is to show solidarity among muslims in Malaysia against Christians. The rally has been given the permit by the police immediately. On the other hand BERSIH 2.0 was held to pushing the Election Commission of Malaysia (EC) to ensure free and fair elections in Malaysia. It demanded that the EC clean up the electoral roll, reform postal voting, use indelible ink, introduce a minimum 21-day campaign period, allow all parties free access to the media, and put an end to electoral fraud.The rally was organised by the Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (Bersih). The rally was banned by Barisan Nasional government.

All Malaysians demand to know why Himpun was given the permit but not Bersih 2.0? Reason given by OCPD Asst Comm Zahedi Ayop in giving the permit was illogical. He said they approved the permit last week as the Himpun event was to be held inside a stadium (Shah Alam Stadium) and would not pose any public order situation. Bersih 2.0 organiser also applied to do the rally in the stadium but was not approved.

According to the organiser of Himpun, one objective of the rally  is to "gauge the unity among Muslims particularly against the Christianisation efforts on Aug 3 by DUMC . But there is no evidence of such efforts. The census shows no Christians among Malays. The home minister has confirmed that there is no evidence of a conspiracy to make Malaysia a Christian state or to install a Christian prime minister. So why the need for an anti-apostasy demonstration?The demonstration is against Christian efforts to convert Muslims. There is no evidence of such efforts. So why the need for such demonstration? Why do the Muslims need to demonstrate against a non-existent threat? Can Christians demonstrate against Muslim efforts to convert Christians?

Najib has been spending millions of tax payer monies to promote 1Malaysia. Personally I felt that 1Malaysia is a good efforts by PM. The concept caters the needs of all sector of the plural society and to  ensure equal distribution of wealth between racial  groups, between states and federal. Integrity on the part of the government and the public sector is one matter.  In order to move Malaysia towards a better society, identity and future hence unity and integration should promote co-operation between race, beliefs and  region as one Malaysia, not as Sarawakian or Sabahan. The  trust and aspiration of the people that 1Malaysia will bring about a greater nation must not be hampered. But based on action of certain people and parties, 1Malaysia will sure fail. As long as we have organization like PERKASA that promote Malay supremacy, Himpunan Sejuta Umat (Himpun) that opposed to Christians and the political parties like United Malay National Organisation (UMNO), Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) and the Malaysia Indian Congress (MIC) and also the individual like Perak's Mufti , the 1Malaysia will be just remained a rhetoric.

Well Najib, whatever the reasons given by your administration  for double standard in issuing the permit between Bersih 2.0 and Himpun, we the Malaysians are closely watching you. Don't expected to get the same number of votes from the non-muslim voters in the coming election!

Mupok Aku 

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