

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tan Sri Ismail Omar will replace Tan Sri Musa Hassan as the Inspector-General of Police,

Wednesday, 1st September 2010

Musa will relinquish his post on 12th September 2010

Tan Sri Ismail Omar will replace Tan Sri Musa Hassan as the country’s new Inspector-General of Police, Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein announced today.

Ismail, who is currently the deputy IGP, will assume his new post on September 13.

Musa, who had his contract extended twice, leaves under a cloud as he had come into office with a Mr Clean reputation but now leaves amid allegations of wrongdoing.

Ismail will take over the IGP Post from Musa on 13th September 2010

The police force under Musa is also seen now as ineffective and demoralised.

“Today, I would like to announce that the period of contract for Tan Sri Musa as the Inspector-General of Police will end on September 12 and therefore Deputy Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar has been recommended as the new police chief,” Hishammuddin told reporters during a press conference here.

He added that Internal Security and Public Order Director Commissioner Datuk Hussin Ismail would be the new deputy IGP.

Hishammuddin denied Musa’s contract was not renewed due to public pressure and expressed hope that Musa would still be able to contribute to the police after retirement.

“Of course, nothing to do at all (with outside pressure). I think it is a continuity and struggle that we have to carry all our life. Because as you see Tan Sri Musa has been serving for 41 years and we cannot expect him to carry the responsibility. We have to find ways in which he can continue to contribute,” he said.

Musa, 59, reached retirement age in 2007 but had his tenure extended twice.

Pakatan Rakyat (PR) lawmakers have demanded that Musa step down as IGP, claiming that crime and corruption had escalated under his watch.

However Musa stressed that he had never felt disappointed during his tenure as the police chief.

“I never felt disappointed with the police and I have given everything to the police force. It is time for me to step down because of my age. I have also trained my deputy Tan Sri Ismail Omar and I hope Tan Sri Ismail Omar will ensure continuity in the police leadership to make the force better and plans that have been implemented should be continued,” said Musa.

Musa advised his successor to ensure the police fulfill its duties and regain public confidence.

“I advise the police force should be taken care of because we need the police to take care of the country. Therefore the police must be right in fulfilling its duties and get the confidence of the public. That is all I ask,” he said.

Musa said his greatest challenge as the IGP was to make strong and honest decisions without fear or favour.

“It is always a challenge to be an IGP. You have to be strong to face these challenges and as long we are sincere in our duties then we don’t have to be scared with anybody. I feel that I faced all of these challenges with sincerity. We must be true in what we say and not hide because then the people will not believe us,” he said.

Reports over Musa’s retirement came into the forefront after suspended Police Commissioner Datuk Ramli Yusoff was acquitted of three corruption charges by the Sessions Court in March.

During Ramli’s trial in Kota Kinabalu, Musa had been described by a Sessions Court judge as an unreliable witness.

Ramli’s acquittal had sparked intense speculation surrounding his future because his relationship with Musa is understood to have been soured by events leading up to his prosecution.

A number of uncorroborated reports had also emerged on the Internet in recent years alleging the involvement of the criminal underworld leading up to Ramli being charged with corruption.

Ismail said today that he was grateful to Musa and would continue to listen to his opinions.

“I feel that I am blessed to have been able to work with Tan Sri Musa and I will continue to take note of his opinions to continue developing the police force and provide the best service to the public,” he said.

Hope for a better Malaysia under the new IGP

Mupok Aku


UMNO Semakin Berani Memainkan Isu Perkauman

Kuching, Sarawak
Wednesday, 1st September 2010

 UMNO Semakin Berani Mengorbankan Keamanan Malaysia Demi Untuk Politik Sempit Dengan Memainkan Isu Perkauman.

Apakah Motif UMNO sebenarnya? Dalam usaha untuk meraih undi Melayu mereka sanggup mengorbankan semangat toleransi anatara kaum. Terdahulu LGE telah dipersalahkan apabila namanya disebut semasa sembahyang Jumaat. Baru-baru ini Utusan Malaysia telah memainkan isu Teo Nie Ching memasuki surau, dengan harapan untuk menaikkan api kemarahan kaum. yang pelik kenapa tiada tindakan terhadap Utusan Malaysia? 

Marahpun ada, meluatpun ada apabila terbaca di Malaysiakini bahawa UMNO di dalam blog yang ditulis oleh penyokongnya dengan nama pena "PAS BERUK", memfitnah Lim Guan Eng dengan meletakkan gambar super impose beliau yang sedang menyembelih lembu.
Bodoh sangat ke LGE sampai sanggup melakukan benda yang beliau tahu yang beliau tak boleh lakukan? Sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang cintakan keamanan, saya menyeru UMNO agar menghindarkan diri daripada menggunakan platform perkauman untuk memenangi hati pengundi Melayu, dan mereka juga mesti ingat bahawa bukan semua kaum Melayu itu suka bersifat perkauman dan menyokong perbuatan mereka. UMNO perlu ingat bahawa Malaysia bukan lagi Malaya. Malaysia adalah sebuah gagasan yang terdiri daripada rakyat yang berbilang agama dan bangsa yang merangkumi kaum Cina, India dan pribumi Sabah dan Sarawak.
Dari segi pecahan kaum, Melayu hanya merangkumi 60 peratus sahaja daripada jumlah keseluruhan penduduk Malaysia. Daripada pecahan penduduk di atas adalah jelas sekiranya mana-mana kaum mahu memerintah Malaysia, mereka seharusnya mendapat sokongan daripada semua kaum. Untuk mendapat sokongan daripada semua kaum, pemimpin sesuatu kaum itu mestilah adil dan sanggup berkhidmat kepada semua rakyat Malaysia,  tidak mengira kaum.

Sehingga Sekarang pemimipin katak ini masih tidak diambil tindakan oleh pihak berkuasa atas ucapan dan tindakan "perkauman melampau" beliau sebagai pemimpin PERKASA. Apakah bezanya PERKASA dengan HINDRAF?

Semua orang tahu bahawa PERKASA adalah UMNO. Jadi UMNO jangan cuba berselindung dibelakang PERKASA. Kalaulah PERKASA itu bukan UMNO, nescaya sudah lama Ibrahim katak kena tahan di bawah ISA. Apa bezanya PERKASA dengan HINDRAF?
Ramai orang tahu bahawa HINDRAF adalah off-shoot MIC manakala PERKASA adalah off-shoot dari UMNO. Jadi PERKASA apapun alasannya orang tahu siapa sebenarnya mereka ini.

Bertindak sebagai "whistle Blower" tetapi telah dikritik oleh pemimpin UMNO serta dipanggil untuk siasatan oleh pihak PDRM. Besar sangatkah kesalahan beliau kalau dibandingkan dengan pengetua yang bersifat "perkauman melampau' yang bernama Siti Inshah ?

Dari kes yang melibatkan Siti Inshah. Beliau yang merupakan seorang pengetua boleh terlepas daripada tindakan cercaan daripada pemimpin UMNO tetapi NAMEWEE atau nama sebenar beliau Wee Meng Chee, yang hanya bertindak sebagai "whistle blower" tetapi telah mendapat kritikan dan kutukan daripada pemimpin UMNO. Kalau  tindakan tidak cukup, hanya dengan 3 laporan Polis beliau telah disiasat oleh polis dengan sert-merta. Tetapi apakah pula tindakan kerajaan pimpinan UMNO terhadap pengetua yang bersifat perkauman melampau ini?
Dari segi layanan terhadap semua kaum rakyat Malaysia, UMNO juga perlu ingat bahawa penduduk Malaysia yang berbangsa Cina dan India sekarang bukanlah terdiri daripada mereka yang dibawa masuk untuk tujuan berkerja di lombong timah serta ladang getah lagi. Mereka adalah generasi yang lahir dan membesar di Malaysia. Manusia jenis apakah kita yang memberi status warganegara yang berstatus bumiputera hanya kerana mereka mengamalkan hidup cara Melayu kepada pendatang Kemboja, Indonesia dan Selatan Filipina tetapi masih menganggap rakyat kita sendiri iaitu rakyat daripada kaum Cina dan India sebagai kelas kedua yang ditidakkan untuk menikmati "perk" sebagai rakyat Malaysia?
NEP Hanya Relevan Untuk Bumiputera Sabah , Sarawak dan Orang Asli di Semenanjung
NEP yang diperkenalkan lebih kurang 40 tahun lepas adalah bertujuan untuk menaikkan taraf hidup kaum Melayu agar ianya sama dengan penduduk yang lain dalam kes Malaysia, sama dengan kaum Cina.
NEP pada dasarnya telah berjaya mencapai objektifnya. Tetapi untuk kaum Melayu menyamai taraf pencapaian rakyat yang berbangsa Cina adalah mustahil. Kerana kaum Cina dan Yahudi merupakan kaum pilihan tuhan. Pepatah ada mengatakan bahawa kaum Cina kalau diletakkan di tengah-tengah pulau ataupun di tengah gurun pasir yang gersang , mereka akan dapat meneruskan kehidupan. Tetapi kalaulah bangsa Malaysia yang lain diletakkan di tempat yang sama akan mati kebuluran.
Di sebalik kejayaan NEP di dalam menaikkan taraf kaum Melayu, tetapi pemimpin yang terdahulu masih melakukan kesilapan kerana hanya memberikan tumpuan kepada kaum tertentu tetapi melupakan kaum India. Ini telah menyebabkan kaum India hidup melarat serta jauh ketinggalan kalau dibandingkan dengan kaum Cina dan Melayu. Perkara ini juga menyebabkan kadar jenayah yang tinggi dilakukan oleh kaum India.
NEP dari segi tujuannya masih diperlukan di Sabah dan Sarawak dan juga kepada kaum orang Asli di Semenanjung. Ketiga-tiga kaum ini masih memerlukan NEP kalau tidak Malaysia tidak akan dapat mencapai Wawasan 2020.

Salah sebuah daripada rumah panjang di kawasan N25-balai Ringin. Kalau kita tengok di dalam surat khabar Sarawak, hampir tiap hari kita akan dengar pemimpin-pemimpin BN terutama yang berbangsa Iban yang mengatakan hanya kerajaan BN yang dapat membawa kemajuan kepada penduduk rumah panjang. Inikah kemajuan yang dinyatakan? Dengan tiada kemudahan asas bekalan letrik, air bersih dan jalanraya..

Di dalam tulisan saya yang lepas, saya telah menyentuh kedaifan hidup penduduk rumah panjang iaitu kampung Gayau, yang terletak di bawah N25-balai Ringin . Semenjak mencapai kemerdekaa serta penyertaan di dalam Malaysia 43 tahun yang lampau, tidak ada perubahan yang ketara berlaku terhadap kaum Iban serta peribumi yang lain.
"Semenjak penubuhan Malaysia sehingga sekarang tidak ada perubahan yang berlaku. Kalau dulu tak ada letrik sekarangpun sama, kalau dulu tidak ada jalan raya, sekarangpun masih menggunakan jalan sungai, jadi apakah kemajuan yang kerajaan war-warkan ?" kata seorang penduduk daripada Ulu Baram semasa konvensyen PKR yang diadakan pada pertengahan tahun 2009.
Statistik mengatakan bahawa 90 peratus daripada keseluruhan rumah panjang di Sarawak masih tidak ada bekalan elektrik dan kemudahan jalan raya, dan 60 peratus daripada mereka masih lagi hidup di bawah paras kemiskinan. Oleh yang demikian, Malaysia seharusnya berusaha agar rakyat peribumi Sabah-Sarawak dapat meningkatkan taraf ekonomi dan sosial mereka setaraf dengan penduduk malaysia yang lain.
Dari segi kemudahan bekalan letrik, jalan raya dan air bersih, penduduk Orang Asli mempunyai nasib yang jauh lebih baik daripada penduduk peribumi Sabah-Sarawak. Walau bagaimanapun dari segi ekonomi, mereka tidak jauh ketinggalan daripada peribumi Sabah-Sarawak . Oleh itu usaha hendaklah dilakukan oleh kerajaan untuk menaikkan taraf ekonomi Orang Asli.

UMNO seharusnya tidak bersifat perkauman kerana rakyat berbilang kaum memerlukan antara satu sama lain. Pemimpin Malaysia seharusnya menjaga kepentingan semua kaum kerana keamanan Malaysia hanya dapat dikekalkan dengan kerja-sama serta semangat toleransi antara kaum.
Dasar NEP dalam keadaan sekarang hanya boleh dipakai untuk menaikkan taraf hidup kaum peribumi Sabah-Sarawak serta kaum Asli di Semenanjung .
UMNO merupakan parti rasis-melampau yang hanya menekankan kepentingan kaum Melayu semata-mata. Sekiranya rakyat Malaysia sayangkan keamanan di mana kaum yang berbilang kaum dapat berkerjasama serta menghapuskan syak wasangka terhadap satu sama lain, maka saya menyeru agar rakyat Malaysia semua berani untuk berubah.......SINGKIRKAN KERAJAAN BARISAN NASIONAL YANG DIPIMPINAN OLEH UMNO YANG BERSIFAT RASIS MELAMPAU DAN UNDILAH PAKATAN RAKYAT (PR)!

The contrast of two countries-China and Pakistan in a time of great tragedy.

Kuching, Sarawak
Wednesday, 1st September 2010

I recieved yet another good article from Hornbill-Hornbill , and I would like to share it here in
Pakistan Vs China in a time of great tragedy.

Both China and Pakistan were devasted by disastrous flooding, landslides, massive destruction and loss of lives.

China does not rely on foreigns help

Look at China armies (PLA) helping the flood victims. You can't see this happen in Pakistan.

The Chinese responded by mobilising their own resources, thousand of the arm forces, police and volunteers systemmatically tackled the problems. You see Chinese all over the country giving donantions in all forms, cash and kinds. And whole prayed for the deaths.
The Chinese leaders were at the site of tragedy within 24 hours.
In Pakistan, the President was enjoying his holiday trip to London, and he has yet to make his first visit to the scene of tragedy.

In Pakistan, the only assistance that their armies can give to their people is the water. There is no body contact between the armies and their people.

Can you see any pakistan armies among the Flood Victims?
In Pakistan, we see the long lines of the affected and refugees, dressed in their long robs, blaming that the government for not coming to help them, and so they just sit down and wait and wait, and they are absolutely incapable of organising themselves to help themselves, because the suffering that befall them is God's will- inshaallah!
China has not asked for a single cent from other countries or international organisations for assistance.
In the meantime, the UN is seeking US$460 million for Pakistan.
The Talibans said it will give Pakistan $20 million if it rejects aids from the western infidels!
The US has pledged $50 million, Australia 9 million.

And the Arab countries?

Kuwait pledged $5 million, Turkey $0.28 million, and UAE $0.028 million which is less than the cost of a toy for an Arab Sheik! The rich Arabs have oil and cash to drown themselves, but none to spare to help their fellow Muslims!
In every tragedy, it is always the western infidels and wealthy Asian nations who respond to the sufferings of the Muslims!
Where is all the love and brotherhood that Muslims preach in their holy Koran? Each day we hear them pray so loud and clear, but how many reach out to their pockets to give something to their suffering Muslims?

Mupok Aku


The above essay is not belong to Remaung6Renjer. It is reproduced here in Bukittunggal just want to share the different between China which is ruled by a communist and Pakistan which is a democratic country. Please leave a comment if you like the essay! 

Samling Blacklisted By Norwegian Government

Kuching, Sarawak
Tuesday, 1st September 2010

Sarawakian Timber Giant Blacklisted by Norwegian Government On Ethical Ground

Norwegian government blacklists Malaysian timber giant

The Norwegian government has excluded the Malaysian timber giant Samling from its pension fund on ethical grounds. Samling is logging the last remaining forests of the hunter-gatherer Penan tribe.

Norway’s Ministry of Finance sold its shares in Samling on the recommendation of its pension fund’s Council on Ethics, which investigated Samling’s activities and found evidence of systematic illegal logging and ‘extensive damage to forests and the environment.’
Announcing the divestment from Samling and two other companies, Minister of Finance Sigbjørn Johnsen said, ‘The decision to exclude these companies… is based on the Council on Ethics assessment that they are contributing to or are themselves responsible for grossly unethical activity.’
Samling has devastated much of the land of the Penan tribe of Sarawak, in the Malaysian part of Borneo. The Penan rely on the forest for food and shelter, and its destruction by logging companies has left them impoverished.
In December 2009, five Penan communities filed two lawsuits against Samling subsidiaries. A case by other Penan communities has been pending since 1998.
One Penan man told Survival, ‘Samling is trying to log all the trees in our forest. When they enter the area we will lose everything.’
Survival International’s director Stephen Corry said today, ‘If all responsible investors, particularly those using public money, avoided companies which violate tribal peoples’ rights and destroy their lands, it would send a clear and long overdue signal to corporations around the world. These companies should simply be boycotted, so the Norwegian disinvestment is a very good step in the right direction.’

Mupok Aku

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