

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Khalid Samad: Thanking Najib For Police brutality against peaceful rally

Sunday, 17th July 2011

Khalid Thanking Najib for allowing the Police to use "mild" force against BERSIH 2.0 rally.

"Malaysians participated in BERSIH 2.0 rally recently should thanking and love Najib for did not ask the police to kill them" said the Shah Alam MP, Khalid Abdul Samad.

Cynically the Shah Alam MP Khalid , Khalid Abdul Samad wanted all Malaysians especially the victims of police brutality during the BERSIH 2.0 rally on 9 July 2011 to thanks the PM Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

Please see full report quoted in Harakahdaily below.

"Seharusnya rakyat berterima kasih dan sayang kepada Najib sebab dia tak bunuh peserta himpunan hari tu," kata ahli parlimen Shah Alam, Khalid Abdul Samad.

Secara sinis, ahli parlimen Shah Alam, Khalid Abdul Samad mahu rakyat khususnya mangsa keganasan polis semasa perhimpunan BERSIH 2.0 pada 9 Julai lalu berterima kasih kepada Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
Menurut Harakahdaily, Khalid membuat gesaan itu kerana Najib mendakwa pihak polis menggunakan tindakan agak "ringan" terhadap peserta perhimpunan itu.
"Seharusnya rakyat berterima kasih dan sayang kepada Najib sebab dia tak bunuh peserta himpunan hari tu," katanya dipetik akhbar rasmi PAS itu sambil ketawa terbahak-bahak.
Najib ketika ditemubual beberapa wartawan di London semalam dilaporkan berkata, pihak polis menggunakan tindakan yang sewajarnya dalam usaha menyuraikan peserta perhimpunan BERSIH 2.0 di ibu negara Sabtu lalu.
Katanya tindakan polis agak ringan kerana tahanan dibebaskan selepas lapan jam dan mereka dilayan dengan baik.
Beliau juga mendakwa tiada penggunaan tindakan yang tidak wajar oleh polis dan penunjuk perasaan disuraikan dengan menggunakan kekerasan yang minumum.
Sambil mendakwa kenyataan Najib itu sebagai kelakar, Khalid yang turut menerima enam jahitan di kepala akibat terkena kanister gas pemedih mata pada hari itu berkata perdana menteri langsung tidak menunjukkan rasa bersalah.

"Itulah minda autokrat perdana menteri kita. Kita tidak boleh salahkan dia.
"Saya yakin dia tak rasa dia menipu, dan tak rasa bersalah pun (mengeluarkan kenyataan sedemikian), walaupun seluruh dunia sudah melihat rakaman video dan gambar keganasan polis dalam internet," katanya yang juga AJK PAS Pusat.
Pada perhimpunan yang dihadiri ribuan rakyat daripada pelbagai lapisan, sejumlah 1,667 orang ditahan oleh pihak polis. Mereka kemudiannya dibebaskan selepas diambil keterangan pada hari yang sama.

Bagaimanapun selepas itu, ramai yang tampil mendakwa pihak berkuasa bersikap ganas terhadap mereka yang datang secara aman.
Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia (Suhakam) juga dihujani pelbagai aduan peserta mendakwa polis menendang dan memukul mereka sebelum ditangkap.
Suhakam yang juga menghantar pasukan pemantau pada hari itu juga mengakui, polis menggunakan kekerasan sewaktu menyuraikan peserta himpunan.
Beberapa bukti kekasan dan keganasan polis itu juga kini tersebar di internet khususnya di Youtube

Mupok Aku

SUARAM Is Going to Reveal That Third commission Was paid for Scorpene subs

Sunday, 17th July 2011

In Malaysia, the Judicial system if influence or control by executive. But we hope the international organization can brings whosoever responsible with siphoning government money (considering that Malaysians are still poor) to international court...

It says new evidence points to the issuing of a third commission, which is even ‘bigger' than the earlier ones.
Come next Thursday, Malaysians would get to hear first-hand from a French lawyer that even "bigger" commissions were paid to "extremely high level" government officials in Malaysia related to the purchase of two submarines in 2002.

Penangites would be ahead of those in Kuala Lumpur and Ipoh to hear lawyer William Bourdon spills the beans on the controversial deal with French company DCNS in a fundraising event dubbed 'Ops Scorpene'.

KL-based human rights NGO Suaram is organising a dinner in Bayan Baru where besides Bourdon, its board member Cynthia Gabriel, DAP national adviser Lim Kit Siang, PKR vice-president Tian Chua and PAS deputy president Mohammed Sabu will speak.

 According to Gabriel new evidence points to the issuing of a third commission which is "bigger" than the earlier ones paid out to a Malaysian consulting company calledPerimekar Sdn Bhd."The details would be revealed at the lawyer's exclusive presentation in the dinner events," said Gabriel at a press conference in Penang yesterday.

"I cannot reveal much but would encourage everyone to attend the event," she added. "We are shocked that there are many more commissions being paid out to unidentified government officials in the country... and these are top officials," she lamented. 

Perimekar is a subsidiary of KS Ombak Laut Sdn Bhd, and the major shareholder in this obscure company is allegedly political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda's wife, Maslinda Makhzan. Abdul Razak is the close ssociate of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, who was defence minister when the multi-billion ringgit submarine deal was negotiated. He was charged in 2006 with abetting two police officers, who were Najib's bodyguards, in the gruesome murder of Mongolian national and translator Altantuya Shaariibuu, believed to be his mistress. 

Abdul Razak, head of a pro-government think-tank, was acquitted in 2007 without his defence being called. The two police officers have since been convicted of murder and are now on death row.Altantuya-Abdul Razak's trip to HK On Monday, Suaram disclosed travelling details of Abdul Razak and Altantuya to Hong Kong, after it revealed a trip to Macau with another "mystery" individual related to negotiations over the deal. Last year, Suaram through its lawyers in France - Bourdon and his team - filed a case with prosecutors in Paris over claims that French defence giant DCNS paid RM540 million in commission to Perimekar. Payment of commissions is illegal under French laws. 

The French probe revealed another 30 million euros (RM150 million) were paid to DCN's commercial network Thales and another 2.5 million euros (RM7.5 million) paid to an "unknown" recipient. The Malaysian Defence Ministry has however denied that commissions were paid for the two submarines. In a written parliamentary reply, Defence Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said that the government had only made payments to two contractors - France's DCNS and Spain's Navantia - for the construction of the submarines. Perimekar on the other hand, was paid for "coordination services" for the Malaysian submarine crew, added Ahmad Zahid, who said he wasready to testify in court on the matter.Funds needed for legal costs 

Meanwhile, Cynthia said that Suaram was organising the dinner in the three cities to raise public awareness of how taxpayers funds are being spent on arms procurement in the country. "Everyone has the right to know the truth and seek answers about where our money goes when it comes to these arms deals," she told reporters in George Town. "This is a campaign by Malaysians, not Suaram alone, to promote transparency in arms procurement," she added. "We are fundraising because when the case goes to open court - perhaps sometime in August, we need to pay for legal costs," she stressed. Bourden's team works at Sherpa, a non-profit organisation that advocates corporate social responsibility, and it has been providing pro bono services for Suaram thus far. Suaram hopes to raise about RM100,000 to cover the legal costs. Other than selling seats for the three dinner events, the NGO is also seeking donations.

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