

Friday, July 2, 2010

Masyarakat Antarabangsa Diharap Meminggirkan Kerajaan Malaysia Terajui Barisan Nasional

Jumaat, 2hb Julai 2010

Kerakusan Kerajaan Terajui Najib seharusnya Dipinggirkan oleh Masayarakat Antarabangsa

Saya merasa marah dengan kerakusan kerajaan Barisan Nasional yang sewenang-wenangnya menggunakan ajensi kerajaan untuk menganiayai parti pembangkang. Perkara ini memang telah lama berlaku tetapi ianya semakin ketara semenjak kekalahan BN di dalam Pilihan Raya Umum yang ke-12 (PRU12) pada tahun 2008 yang lepas.
Tetapi apa yang lebih merisauklan apabila jabatan-jabatan dan ajensi-ajensi kerajaan serta pihak istana telah dilibatkan sama  oleh BN. Apa yang berlaku di Perak di mana Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) telah membuat perangkap untuk "mengenakan" dua wakil rakyat dari parti Keadilan Rakyat, yang mana akhirnya kedua-dua mereka telah mengistiharkan diri keluar daripada PR dan menyokong BN . Perbuatan mereka ini telah menyebabkan kejatuhan kerajaan PR di Perak. Keadaan menjadi bertambah teruk dengan kesediaan Sultan Perak melantik Zambri sebagai Menteri Besar .

Pemimpin Rakus  yang bakal Menghancurkan Malaysia. Masyarakat Antarabangsa Seharusnya Meminggirkan Kerajaan Pimpinan Pemimpin Yang Rakus Ini

Di Selangor, sekali lagi MACC telah memainkan peranan untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan PR tetapi setakat ini mereka masih belum berjaya.
Kerakusan kerajaan BN semakin menjadijadi dewasa ini. Yang terbaru sekali lagi melibatkan MACC dan juga Kementerian Dalam Negeri. Semalam telah dilaporkan bahawa dua alhi DUN Selangor telah disiasat oleh MACC.

White Haired Rajah mempunyai kekayaan yang tidak munasabah, tetapi sampai sekarang masih tidak disiasat oleh MACC..Butakah Mata , Pekakkah  Telinga MACC sehingga sekarang masih gagal untuk bertindak?

Tetapi apa yang menghairankan, sampai sekarang MACC masih tidak bertindak terhadap kekayaan yang tidak menasabah yang dimiliki oleh Taib Mahmud walaupun berpuluh-puluh laporan telah dibuat terhadapnya.
Semalam juga menyaksikan kezaliman oleh Kerajaan Barisan Nasional, kali ini melibatkan Kementerian Dalam Negeri yang diketuai oleh KerisMuddin. Semalam KDN telah tidak menyambung Permit Penerbitan  Suara Keadilan iaitu akhbar Resmi Parti Keadilan Rakyat. Suara Keadilan telah dikenakan tindakan atas rencana muka depannya yang bertajuk "FELDA AKAN BANGKRAP". Yang menghairankan kenapa Utusan Malaysia (iaitu akhbar milik UMNO) sampai sekarang tidak pernah dikenakan sebarang tindakan atas  penyiaran berita-berita atau rencana-rencana yang bersikap perkauman? 
Nampaknya kerajaan Barisan Nasional semakin berani untuk menyalahgunakan kuasa. Sebagai seorang warga negara yang mencitai negara ini, dengan ini saya ingin menyeru  kepada  masyarakat antarabangsa agar meminggirkan Kerajaan Malaysia baik dari segi Diplomatik ataupun dari segi ekonomi.
Sekiranya masyarakat antarabangsa gagal untuk meminggirkan Malaysia;. Saya merasa khuatir bahawa negara ini akan menjadi negara yang akan diperintah secara kuku besi oleh Najib Tun Razak dan konco-konconya sekiranya masayarakat antarabangsa gagal bertindak.

Mupok Aku


Suara Keadilan Suspended By UMNO Government


Suara Keadilan Suspension was due to the  Revelation  that its made On FELDA but why UTUSAN MALAYSIA was not suspended when it published the RACIST remarks. And Why Katak Ali still a free man even-thought he had made several Racist Remarks??? 

The Home Ministry has suspended the printing permit of PKR organ Suara Keadilan.

The decision came three days after the ministry slapped the publication with a seven-day deadline to explain a controversial article.

Hitler Came to Power through election same goes to UMNO Prime Minister. The Only different Between NAZI and UMNO is that, NAZI lost their  power because they lost  in the WW2 but UMNO because they are going to Lose in the 13th General   Election!

“After discussing the matter yesterday, the ministry came to the conclusion that it is not satisfied with the answer given by Suara Keadilan,” said the ministry's al-Quran and text control department secretary Zaitun Samad in a statement.

According to Zaitun, the decision was made after reviewing the newspaper's reply to the ministry's show-cause letter on Tuesday regarding the “Felda Bankrupt” article in its June 22-29 edition.

She said the ministry received the reply on June 30 and held a meeting the next day to discuss the matter with regard to the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984.

“We have sent a letter to Suara Keadilan's printers instructing them to discontinue publication until a decision is made regarding the paper's request for a permit renewal,” she added.

Lawyer: We're not surprised

Suara Keadilan's lawyer Shamsul Iskandar told FMT that he was not surprised by the ministry's decision.

He also claimed that Suara Keadilan never received the three show-cause letters supposedly sent by the ministry.

When Suara Keadilan met with ministry officials on Monday, they were told that it was not the ministry's responsibility to provide them with copies of the letters.

The paper was then told through Zaitun that it would be furnished with these letters for its benefit.

“It didn't matter, because they went ahead and suspended our permit,” Shamsul said. “We have fully cooperated with the ministry and asked for a bit of time to come out with the response to these letters.”

Shamsul also said that Suara Keadilan was not informed of the ministry's decision and had to learn about it through the media.

FMT also learnt that Suara Keadilan's editors would be attending a special meeting tonight regarding the matter.

Asked if the paper had the right to appeal against the decision, Shamsul said that it was possible but it was up to the ministry to consider it.

'Political interference'

In an immediate response, PKR leader Tan Kee Kwong condemned the government's decision to suspend Suara Keadilan's permit.

"Nobody knows what the hell is going on. But when people want to tell the truth, you ban them," he said.

The former land and cooperatives deputy minister was the first to break the news on Felda's alleged cash reserve loss in early June.

Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar described the ministry's decision as “a clear-cut example of political interference”.

“The Felda suit has yet to be heard in court, and the ministry has already taken action,” she said, referring to Felda's announcement yesterday that it would sue the PKR organ for RM200 million.

Nurul Izzah also criticised the government over its lack of seriousness in allowing media freedom in the country.

Asked if PKR expected the suspension, she said: “We were expecting the worst, but we did not think it would be as swift as this.”

Meanwhile, the Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ) believes the home ministry's action was to send a message to the other publications.

“The ministry has control over all publications in the country. It is a consolidation of political power,” said Chuah Siew Eng, the CIJ publicity officer.

"The action against Suara Keadilan is a reminder to the other media (in the country) not to cross the line," he added.

Mupok Aku


UMNO and PERKASA Sponsor FELDA Protest

Friday, 2nd July 2010

Do they look like FELDA Settlers? Everyone Knows that they are either UMNO or PERKASA members! Even if they are FELDA Settlers what wrong with KEADILAN Revealetion?

SHAH ALAM: PKR vice-president Azmin Ali claimed today Umno and Perkasa may be the instigators behind the protest by Felda settlers at the party's office in PJ two days ago.

The influential PKR leader said that it was absurd for Felda settlers, who he claimed are marginalised and exploited by the BN federal government, to hold such protest.

"I don't believe Felda settlers would hold such demonstration as they know for a fact that they have been marginalised for years by Umno and BN," said Azmin.

"It dosen't make sense for that Felda (settlers) to partake in the demonstration. I strongly suspect that Umno Youth or Perkasa are behind this," he added.

About 200 Felda settlers demonstrated in front of the PKR headquarters following an article published in its organ Suara Keadilan that the world's largest plantation operator is bankrupt.

The protest was a follow-up to an open letter on the Internet written by former deputy minister of land and cooperatives Tan Kee Kwong.

Tan, now a PKR member, alleged that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak was responsible for Felda’s massive loss of cash reserves.

Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister Department Ahmad Maslan, however, denied the accusation.

Maslan maintained that while Felda's cash reserve had decreased to RM1.35 billion in 2009 from RM4.08 billion in 2004, its net asset value was growing.

The spat between Pakatan Rakyat and BN on the issue led to the suspension of Suara Keadilan's publishing permit today and Felda has slapped PKR with a RM200 million suit.

Well Done YB Expose Them All...As Long As You Don't Plan to Topple Tan Sri Khalid ..We are Always Behind You!

But Azmin claimed that what the party had done was merely acknowledging contributions made by Felda settlers to the country's economy while fighting for their plight.

"It's harassment from Umno.We will defend our case in court," said Azmin, who added that the suspension of the permit was an infringement on democracy.

Teachers in Pantu Slam YB Snowdan Lawan Over his allegation that teachers have been skipping classes

Pantu Sri Aman
Friday, 2nd June 2010

Congratulations YB for Being Braved Enough to Expose the Snaking Teachers in N25 Balai Ringin

Several hundred teachers from both the primary and secondary schools here are furious at Balai Ringin state assemblyman Snowdan Lawan for alleging that teachers in his constituency have been skipping classes.

“We are angry and unhappy over the sweeping statement. No doubt there are bad apples among us, but the number is few,” said a primary school headmaster, who refused to be named.

“Many of us are committed and dedicated teachers,” he said, slamming Snowdan for seeking cheap publicity.

Snowdan had last Saturday told Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin that teachers in his Balai Ringin constituency have been skipping classes.

“They teach three days only and the rest of the week they absent themselves,” he had said.

Muhyiddin, also Education Minister, was at Sapa longhouse, Pantu, where he launched the longhouse pre-school.

SRK Pantu where the teachers were alleged Snaking...Work three days and then Missing

Based on Snowdan’s complaint, Muhyiddin has directed the State Education Department to investigate and warned teachers that action would be taken against those who played truant.

Describing it as a “serious matter”, he said this was very embarrassing to the Education Ministry.

Contacted today by FMT, an education officer, who refused to be identified, confirmed that investigations have begun.

But he believed the number of teachers involved in truancy was small.

“I don’t believe the number is big. I know most of the teachers are dedicated,” he said.

The chairman of Sarawak Teachers Union William Gani Bina was not available for comment.

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