Look carefully at the photo above. Are they Malaysian. I hope they are not the muslim extremists from Pakistan or Afghanistan that penetrated into Jemaah Islah Malaysia (JIM), just like what happened in Indonesia during Sukarno era and SUPP in the 70s where the communist elements infiltrated and attack from within the ruling parties.
The government should look seriously at the activities of the religious organization in Malaysia, so as not being used or infiltrated by the extremists from those two countries. Malaysian should learn from Nordin Mat Top who is now the most dangerous and most WANTED extremist in SEA. We dont want to be known as the the country that have most Muslim extremist in SEA or Asia.
To the group in the photo above, please do not instigate unrest in the name of the religion.
To Jeff Ooi..Hang On to your struggle man. Just ignore those extremists.
Mupok Aku
"Agi Idup Agi Ngelaban"