Thursday, 11th November 2010
After almost 30 years of ruling Sarawak, Taib Mahmud has gathered more than enough wealth for his family members!
While majority of Iban still living under poverty line but Taib's family, on the expensed of their NCR lands have been living luxuriously and extravagantly.
Please see some photos of Taib's family members here. Hopefully by showing their photo here, the Iban in the long house will be able to see by themselves the true colours of Taib's family members, therefore will be able to make rational decision whether to vote for BN in the coming state election.
‘Sexy lighting’ – Ladies in Red
Playboy collection – Ani Ta Tufail (by day she acts as a company director) and friends are the ‘women in red’
Elia Geneid (niece of Taib) gets flirty
Taib niece, Elia Geneid – with a house this big I will dress as I want to
Smooching up to my brother – niece Anita Tufail
Elia Geneid – all on show for her funky male friends
Harem – Taib’s daughter Jamilah (second right) is Director and Shareholder of many of Taib’s huge foreign property interests abroad, while (far right) neice Anita Tufail inserted herself into the Board of a major timber company straight after college to profit from the proceeds of logging
Busts and baubbles – low cut dresses for Taib sister Raziah and daughters to show off the main attraction (the wealth around their necks)
Old and young – Taib’s sister, Zaleh Mahmud with the next generation, posing for the boys and getting through husbands like old dresses.
Bad influence? – dressing sexy
For sale? – pouring out onto the street
Give it tongue – Clearly the menfolk approve!
Hey don’t forget the Key Man who made it all happen! – Taib at the Monaco ‘Islamic Fashion Show’ with his son, brother in law – and some suckers who paid?
Taib’s 31 yrs of abuse of power, mutli-billion $ plunder and over 10 years of the same by his Uncle before him, the Sarawak CM must be arrested now. His morality, integrity; legitimacy & right to lead are ZERO.
UMNO is equally corrupt. Nothing will be done, unless Arab Spring type pressures are mounted beginning with:
Blockade of all logging & oil palm accesses.
Blockade of all CMS & related’s access & movements.
Work stoppage. Sit-ins in offices, transport hubs & airports.
If the police intimidates.....Good! That’s the beginning of the end of Sarawak’s great tragedy & BN’s stranglehold in Malaysia.
Soros on Taib: “Look at the Sarawak Chief Minister selling billions worth of timber concessions under the table; selling every piece of state land to businessmen without tender; using his own companies to obtain lucrative government contracts; … 'you pay I approve'. He has 8 billion US stashed overseas.” “while thousands of poor people still live in cardboard makeshift homes; have no water and shit into the river.” “In China people have been shot for embezzling one thousand dollars. With 8 billion you have stolen, therefore you would be shot 80 thousand times.”
RM400 million a day of black money disappeared from Malaysia! Based on the reported RM150 billion of black money a year that disappeared. Reports: According to the Washington-based financial watchdog Global Financial Integrity (GFI), in 2009 alone RM 150 billion (US$47 billion) in illicit money was illegally siphoned out of Malaysia.
The latest GFI report, ‘Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries Over the Decade Ending 2009', is penned by economists Sarah Freitas and Dev Kar, who is a former senior economist at the International Monetary Fund.