

Monday, November 30, 2009

Tajem Urges Government of the Day To Review Native Law

Kuching, sarawak
Monday, 30th November 2009

Sarawak Dayak National Union former president and one of PKR Sarawak advisors Daniel Tajem has called for a committee to revamp native laws to be codified into a proper system of edicts.
He suggested that the committee should comprise officials from SDNU, Sarawak Dayak Iban Association, Sarawak Dayak Graduates Association, Tun Jugah Foundation, Dayak Cultural Foundation, other Dayak NGOs as well as those from the Sarawak Council of Native Laws and the Dayak Chair of the University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS).

"Something must be done now to upgrade our native laws, so that the setting up of the committee is not only fitting, but timely," he said.
He was commenting on a suggestion made by Chief Judge of the High Court of Sabah and Sarawak Richard Malanjun who said that the current set of native laws should be "refurbished" so that they could keep up with the times and modernization.

Customs, usage and practice

Tajem who is a lawyer and former Sarawak DCM said: "Dayak Adat (laws) are based on customs, usage and practice.
"The system of native laws and family laws has been written by the Sarawak Council of Native Laws, but there are still some of them (laws) that have not been included in the Dayak Adat," he said.
"If the native laws are not upgraded, reviewed or developed, they may not be respected by those who are strangers to the system and their non-recognition will lead to disrespect and exploitation through misreading of the customs," he said.
Malanjun in his remarks last week had also said that the native courts in Sabah and Sarawak are still active today.
Agreeing with Malanjun, Tajem expressed concern that the government of today had disregarded the native customs such as the native customary rights over land, the rights of inheritance and succession, family laws, and so on.
He said that "It is the duty of the government of the day to protect and safeguard the native laws.
Tajem quoted a number of examples such as grabbing of the NCR land and leasing them to big business concerns for the planting oil palm that ignored native law and customs.
"They do not respect the decisions of the Court which recognises the rights of the natives over land, pemakai menua, pulau galau and temuda," he added.

Mupok aku

"Agi Idup Agi Ngelaban"

Sampai Bilakah PM Najib Mengelak daripad Berpijak Di Bumi Nyata

Najib seharusnya membersihkan dirinya daripada tuduhan yang mengaitkannya dengan pembunuhan jelitawan dari Mongolia. Perkara ini dapat dilakukan dengan cara membenarkan pihak Polis membuka kertas siasatan terhadapnya.
Tetapi penyiasatan ini tidak akan berkesan selagi Najib masih menjadi Perdana Menteri ini kerana pihak Polis adalah dibawah telunjuk Perdana Menteri.
Najib telah berkali-kali menafikan pengelibatan beliau di dalam pembunuhan Alantuya dengan menafikan bahawa beliau tidak mengenali Alantuya. Penafian beliau memang lumrah, mana ada sesiapa di dalam dunia ini yang mahu mengaku melakukan kesalahan secara sukarela?
Najib tidak akan aman duduk di kerusi Perdana Menteri selagi-lagi beliau tidak membersihkan namanya secara yang sah. Secara yang sah bermaksud menggantung dirinya daripada jawatan Perdana Menteri sehingga siasatan yang dilakukan oleh pihak PDRM selesai.
Pengelibatan beliau di dalam pembunuhan Alantuya semakin ketara dengan tindakan bapa Alantuya, Dr Sharibuu Setye membatalkan rayuan ke atas keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi membebaskan Razak Baginda (sahabat baik Najib) daripada tuduhan bersubahat dengan dua anggota Pengawal Keselamatan yang ada kaitan dengan Najib membunuh Alantuya dan pembatalan hasrat beliau untuk menggunakan mahkamah antarabangsa untuk menyiasat kes pembunuhan anaknya. PM Najib adalah seorang anggota politik yang sangat bijak dengan menggunakan wang untuk mencapai matlamatnya. Perkara ini dapat dibuktikan dengan apa yang telah berlaku di Port Dickson apabila beliau telah dicekup oleh Pegawai Pencegah maksiat apabila didapati berdua-duaan dengan seorang penyanyi popular yang bersuara meneran, tetapi tidak didakwa.
Dan yang terbaru melibatkan beliau dengan kuasa wang adalah peristiwa rampasan kuasa di Perak. Tetapi bukti yang lebih kuat yang melibatkan beliau di dalam pembunuhan adalah berkenaan pendedahan PI Bala melalui Satutory Declarations (SD) bertarikh 1 Jul 2008.
Dan bukti terkini yang melibatkan PM Najib adalah dengan penelibatan adiknya Nazim di dalam usaha untuk menghantar PI Bala keluar dari malaysia sehingga Najib dilantik menjadi PM. Perkara ini di dedahkan oleh PI Bala seperti laporan berikut :
Mereka yang berfikiran waras akan membuat kesimpulan bahawa Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak dilihat berkaitan dengan kehilangan P Balasubramaniam, kata peguam penyiasat persendirian itu Americk Singh Sidhu.

Menurutnya, fakta-fakta kelihatannya menunjukkan kepada kemungkinan mereka tidak mahu penyiasat itu lagi dan menyerahkan tugas itu kepada orang lain yang rapat dengan mereka, untuk dilaksanakan.
Dalam wawancara dengan Malaysiakini, Americk memandang berat pembabitan adik perdana menteri, Datuk Mohamed Nazim.
Menurutnya, persoalan yang timbul ialah mengapa Nazim berminat dengan kehilangan Balasubramaniam "jika dia tidak mendapat perlindungan daripada abangnya?"
Balasubramaniam baru-baru ini mendedahkan bahawa dia pernah berjumpa dengan Nazim, seorang arkitek, pada malam sebelum dia menarik balik akuan bersumpah pertamanya yang mendakwa Najib ada hubungan rapat dengan Altantuya Shaariibuu, wanita Mongolia yang mati dibunuh.
Balasubramaniam turut mendakwa bahawa dia ditawarkan RM5 juta oleh seorang yang dikenali sebagai Deepak, seorang ahli perniagaan yang didakwa rapat dengan isteri perdana menteri Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor supaya menarik balik akuan bersumpah pertamanya.
Najib telah berulang kali menafikan spekulasi bahawa beliau di belakang tindakan Balasubramaniam menarik balik akuan bersumpah pertamanya itu.
Bercakap kepada Malaysiakini, Americk menceritakan bagaimana beliau diperkenalkan kepada Balasumbramaniam; tindakan bekas anggota polis Cawangan Khas menarik balik akuan bersumpah pertamanya Julai tahun lalu dan pertemuan seterusnya beliau dengannya selepas muncul semula daripada persembunyian setahun kemudiannya.
Americk turut mendedahkan bahawa rakaman video wawancaranya dengan Balasubramaniam tiga bulan lalu, dibuat secara rahsia sebagai "satu jaminan sekiranya dia ditahan oleh pihak-pihak yang terbabit dalam pemergiannya dari negara ini setahun yang lalu."
"Dia tidak tahu yang dia sedang dirakamkan pada masa itu, tetapi kita kemudiannya memaklumkan perkara itu kepadanya dan dia faham mengapa kita berbuat demikian," katanya.
Menurut Americk lagi, Balasubramaniam mungkin melakukan kesalahan di bawah Akta Akuan Bersumpah 1960 kerana memberi akuan bersumpah yang bercanggah, tetapi dia boleh mempertahankan dirinya kerana dia nampaknya telah dipaksa, diugut dan/atau dipaksa menandatangani akuan bersumpah kedua".
Tetapi, katanya, mereka yang didakwa menghasut akuan bersumpah kedua yang palsu dibuat - Deepak, ASP Suresh dan peguam M Arunampalam - juga berdepan dengan tuduhan jenayah kerana bersubahat dan berkonspirasi.
Mengenai Nazim pula, Americk mendakwa, dia terbabit dalam melakukan ugutan jenayah terhadap Balasubramaniam di samping kemungkinan didakwa bersubahat/konspirasi berhubung pembuatan akuan bersumpah kedua yang palsu.

Terima Kasih

Saturday, November 28, 2009

What Is Taught By BTN

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 27, 2009
By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani

I— am one of the privileged few to have attended a local public university and learned the meaning of hate, thanks to the ever popular Biro Tata Negara.
All undergraduates were forced to attend this programme or else they would not be eligible for graduation.
The BTN under the Prime Minister’s Department brought in “intellectual” speakers who were supposed to enlighten the students about the meaning of being a Malaysian but instead it felt more like a communist propaganda camp brainwashing those attending about the importance of “Ketuanan Melayu”.
The camp would usually take place during the weekends. Students would have to register early in the morning and the programme would last the whole day.
The organisers were always on their guard, asking participants to show their student identification cards each time they entered the hall, fearing the presence of outsiders.
In the hall, students were asked to turn off their mobile phones.
During the lectures, questions were planted among the audience and the students were advised not to ask any other questions.
One speaker began with the history of Malaysia and how much the country had gone through, always emphasising the May 13 riots.
He stressed the point of how much the Malays had sacrificed and how the community should be united especially from outside threat — the Chinese community.
He said that the Chinese community were “the Jews of Asia” and were just itching to take over when Malays were disunited and broken.
The speaker also revealed a greater Chinese conspiracy where the Chinese Malaysians were working together with Singapore to topple the Malay government.
“Do you want to become like the Malays in Singapore?” he asked.
He also went so far as to criticise Malay girls for dating boys from other races.
He added that they should not be cheap and embarrass their families.
Once, a student told the speaker that as Muslims, we should also respect other races who are also Muslims.
“All Muslims are Malays so it does not matter if they are Chinese or Indians. If they are Muslims then they are Malays,” the speaker replied.
This is why I was relieved when I learned that the Selangor government had moved to ban its civil servants, employees of state subsidiaries and students at state-owned education institutions from attending any BTN courses with immediate effect.
However I believe racism in varsities does not end at BTN because classrooms have also become victims of ignorant scholars.
My friend was verbally abused during his sociology class when he did not agree with the points made by his lecturer.
“You must be DKK,” the lecturer told him.
“What is DKK?” he asked.
“You must be darah keturunan keling (descendents of Indians),” the lecturer said, pointing to his dark skin.
My Saudi friend was also shocked by the comments made by his lecturer in his Islamic civilisation class.
“We should save our Orang Asli from the Chinese people. They are like the Palestinians and the Chinese are Israel. We must fight the Jews,” the lecturer told his students.
The lecturer even failed one of his students in his oral exam when he quoted a Western scholar in his presentation.
“You should be ashamed of yourselves. You are a Muslim and should only use Islamic scholars,” he scolded the student.
I was personally saddened when my Islamic law lecturer compared Christianity to Head & Shoulder’s 3 in 1 shampoo in referring to the religion’s Holy Trinity.
I feel that racism has been institutionalised in our country and that BTN is only the tip of the iceberg.
Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin defended BTN yesterday and claimed that it was not racist but is line with the 1 Malaysia concept.
I have to humbly disagree and would like to suggest maybe the ministers should bring their overseas children home and let them have a taste of what BTN is.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

PI Bala Interview Part 2 Of 3 - His Movement From KL to Bangkok

PIBala Interview Part 2 of 3

You May see Part 1 of 3 Here
Mupok aku

"Agi Idup Agi Ngelaban"

Why Blame namewee For His Creativity

OPINION Who could forget Namewee? Aka Wee Meng Chee, of Negarakuku fame. The rapper from Muar has condensed in his short music video, a tirade directed at TNB. It is his reaction to the numerous breakdowns and shutdowns experienced in his hometown – and he has put the videoclip on Youtube where it has been viewed several thousand times and elicited an equal number of responses.
He has shown the world, in his two minute experience at the TNB office, how NOT to complain and thus get the backs up, of the people whom you wish to help you.
Of equal importance, he has shown the corporate world, especially one that provides a service to the general public, how NOT to treat your customers and give them the run-around. To a lesser extent, it also reveals to the higher echelons of management, how your staff behave when not in your presence.

Expressing frustration in creativity and music

People forget that Namewee is a rapper and produces videos and music videos. The content of rap music may glorify violence, misogyny, drug abuse, homophobia, amongst other things. Thus, Namewee may seem to foster the use of profanity and vulgar language. Like it or not, rap or hip hop, is the language of the young these days.
When Namewee’s creative juices were stopped mid-flow by the blackout, he attempted to contact TNB, but after several unsuccessful tries, thought he might as well pay a visit to the office. He found the whole town in darkness but the TNB offices bathed in glorious light. One can only imagine his increased rage.
It is the same feeling that overcomes us when we are lectured by our political masters to save money and thus switch off all unnecessary lights, but find when driving in town at night, that the government offices are the ones with the office lights on (overtime, perhaps?), with the exterior of the building bedecked like a Christmas tree.
Admittedly, Namewee is simply expressing his anger and frustration in creativity and music. There is nothing unusual about this. Many artistes do the same in their songs and music videos. Think Madonna or Enimen.
Sometimes, to shock may even sell more records. There is also a commercial element as well as an entertainment value. He has gained increased publicity for himself. He is enterprising, too.
Namewee was seen gesticulating and uttering sweet FA to the staff of TNB as he made his exit from the office. The manner in which the staff gave him the run around, and accused him of “kacau” might have elicited the same response from me, or worse.

Why so difficult to apologise

Regretfully, there was not one whisper of an apology from TNB. Nor a hint of regret. Nor was there a reassurance that the breakdown was being dealt with. Nor a plea for the unhappy customer to bear with them, while the problem was being dealt with urgently.
Sometimes, corporations forget that just mentioning the word ‘apology’ might make the sufferer so pleased his complaint is being dealt with, that his initial problem is almost forgotten.
Maybe frontline TNB staff could be given a crash course in public relations? Treat the customer like royalty and he will forget his woes. Could this be why royalty and those high up in the pecking order of our society have few things to complain about?
Maybe this is why the service providers are rewarded with ‘pingats’. What a pity these service providers forget that a job should be done without fear or favour.
If Namewee cared to do a similar expose on other institutions, he would have a field day. There is Telekom Malaysia, the water board, some government departments, the police, private companies, et cetera. I should imagine that each of us has one reason or another to gripe about poor service. But do we have the guts to complain? Probably not. Not many want our forms binned or put at the bottom of the pile. And few of us have the necessary political clout or bottomless purse to expect preferential treatment.
Namewee was wrong to be abusive – even I would balk short at such behaviour. But there is little point showing an irate customer the planned schedule of shutdowns. What he wants to know is when his problem is going to be resolved. Namewee speaks for all those who suffered that night. His methods of expressing and registering his complaint may be wrong. Sadly, neither compassion nor empathy was shown by the TNB staff that night.
Those who viewed the Youtube clip may have found it shocking (by his use of coloured language and to a lesser extent, the apparent unconcern of TNB).
But what is even more disturbing were the comments left by the viewers. That is the eye-opener.
The reaction to what many normal people would have seen as a disgruntled customer’s tirade against a service provider has been blown into something of a racial firestorm. That is the more potent danger.

Rais should get off his high horse

It seems that when you scratch beneath the surface, 1Malaysia is unraveling faster than my knitted jumper. One person condemns a quasi government organization, and the so called defenders of the different faiths, react like beasts unleashed, and all for the wrong reasons.
The Minister for Information, Communications, Cul­ture and Arts, Dr Rais Yatim said that the government would examine the music video, which poked fun at TNB.
He confirmed that investigations were going to be conducted on the lyrics, content and composition of the song before any action was taken against Namewee. He mentioned the possible use of the Penal Code and the Communications and Multimedia Act, in the name of protecting “….acts that insult which could lead to disharmony.”
This is a waste of taxpayers’ money. It is better to find out why there are so many breakdowns and whilst he is at it, he could also investigate the other claims why other states like Sabah, have more frequent breakdowns, than most.
When I first viewed Namewee’s videoclip a fortnight ago, I wondered how long it would take the authorities to haul him up.
I also wondered if they would acknowledge the content of his complaint or would prosecute him for the content of his video.
True to expectation, the minister has confirmed my suspicions. What is of lesser importance is the breakdown. But I am surprised a minister in charge of the portfolio of communications took this long to be aware of this video.
I would suggest that he gets off his high horse and find ways and means to make 1Malaysia truly at one with each other, examine ways to gel Malaysians together, and with his cabinet counterpart, try and improve facilities and infrastructure in the country.
He should be glad that not there are not more of us who are like Namewee when making a stand. This young man may have been more foolish, than courageous, possibly even mildly entertaining when making his complaint, but if we were all to react to poor service like he has, would we all be prosecuted? More holding cells would then have to be built.
Sometimes it is best to remember that age-old adage, ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me.’
And it certainly does not help by shooting the messenger.

Mupok aku
"Agi Idup Agi Ngelaban"

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

MACC -Teoh Beng Hock Murderer Retaliates

MACC Retaliated!

Last week court ruled that MACC should only conduct their interogations during office hours.
Today MACC's director of investigations Mohd Shukri Abdull reminded the public to make a report in the early hour of the day or after office hours, because according to him, during normal office hours their officers will be busy with their interrogations. Is it an act of retaliation by MACC followed a court orders or because of their officers stupidity or poor time planning ?
Personally I saw MACC and  their officerswere  incompetent and poor time management. Or their justification to get pay rise? Last week they made a controversial proposal  by suggesting that the Assemblymen allowance were to be increased to deter corruption among the assemblymen, short of making proposal to increase their salaries ....Stupid government officers.
In justify for their actions, Mohd Shukri said :

“We urge people who want to lodge reports with us or who want to give us their statements to come to the MACC office in the early morning or afternoon to avoid any inconvenience," said director of investigations Mohd Shukri Abdull.

Those who filed reports on a Friday evening would only have their statements recorded on Monday, he added.

MACC Retaliates to court decision

“It is not that we do not want to entertain the public at their convenience but we have to adhere to the court ruling that forbids us from interviewing witness after office hours,’’ said Mohd Shukri.
High Court judge Justice Mohamad Ariff Md Yusof declared in a landmark ruling last week that witnesses could only be questioned from 8.30am to 5.30pm each day.
The court decision came in the wake of a lawsuit Kajang municipal councillor Tan Boon Wah filed challenging MACC interrogation procedures.
Bukit Gelugor MP and lawyer Karpal Singh said crime suspects and witnesses could get off the hook if the police interrogated them outside office hours.

Mupok aku

Agi Idup Agi Ngelaban

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Political Defection in Malaysian and USA

First Iban and Sarawak CM was forced to step down on 24 September 1966 when his fellow Iban politicians, led by Tun Jugah defected to Federal government.

What is political defection? Political defection is a scenario where the whole party members or some members of the party, change side to their opponent.
Throughout the history of Malaysia, so far many four political defections have been reported but I would like to write the four most popular political defections ; First during the removal of Ningkan as a Chief Minister of sarawak by Tunku Abdul Rahman (TAR). Dato Stephen Kalong Ningkan was successfully removed as CM of Sarawak with the help of his fellow Iban politicians led by Tun Jugah. Without  Tun Jugah defection , Ningkan wouldn't be removed as a CM.

Partly Responsible for Ningkan Removal as First CM of Sarawak  in 1966

Second defection also happened in sarawak in 1987,when the seven assemblymen from PBDS defected to SNAP and PBB.

" "
Sarawak has seen many political frogs since independence, the majority of them were Dayak politicians; and among the first were Nelson Kundai Ngarieng and Stephen Ngelambong from SNAP to PBB, Simon Dembab Maja and Penghulu Abok Anak Jalin from Pesaka to PBB in 1970. Years later Serian MP Richard Riot resigned from PBDS and defected to SUPP.The most popular political defection among the dayak politician happened in 1987. Before the State election in April 1987, 28 State assemblymen resigned from their parties to defect to PBDS and Persatuan Rakyat Malaysia Sarawak (Permas).*Those from Sarawak National Party (SNAP) joined Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak (PBDS) and they were SNAP deputy president Edward Jeli, SNAP secretary general Joseph Balan Seling, SNAP vice president Michael Ben Anak Panggi and SNAP CEC member Geman Anak Itam. Their defections prompted Sarawak’s Chief Minster Abdul Taib Mahmud to call for a fresh election which was held on 15 and 16 April 1987.PBDS won 15 seats, while Permas won only five seats. Edward Jeli, Geman Anak Itam, Balan Seling and Michael Ben won with big majorities in their respective constituencies. On 14 July 1987, Edward Jeli and Geman leap-frogged back to SNAP, while Balan and Michael Ben hopped to PBB. Sora Anak Rosah defected from PBDS to PBB.PBDS seats were further reduced to seven when months later Gramong Juna, Mikai Mandau and Bolhassan Kambar defected to PBB. Source The Broken Shield

PBS led by Pairin Kitingan Lost Sabah when majority of its assemlymen defected to BN in 1994

And the third political defection happened in Sabah in 1994, when the majority of 25 Parti Bersatu Sabah assemblymen crossed over to BN and helped BN to form-up the government in Sabah.

The most controversies political  defection in Malaysia history happened in Perak when the 3 Pakatan Rakyat assemblymen, with the help of MACC and money politic defected to BN in February 2009

And the fourth and the most controversal political defection occurred in Feb 2009 in Perak when 2 PKR assemblymen and one assemblyman from DAP annaunced their alliance to BN. Thi
Those defection caused Pakatan government in Perak Collapsed.
But political defection does not only happen in Malaysia. It also happened in develop nation like US, japan and Great Britian.
Throughout US political history, the most popular Political Defection involved the followings :-

(1) Arlen Specter, 2009

Republican apostate Arlen Specter's move to join the Democrats has shaken Congress, but he's not alone. Over the years, scores of politicians have danced from one side of the aisle to the other.
"My party has not defined who I am," said Republican apostate Arlen Specter, ending weeks of speculation on April 28 by announcing his decision to join the Democratic Party. No kidding. Upsetting party politics is old hat for the fifth-term Senator from Pennsylvania: back in 1965, as a candidate for Philadelphia district attorney, Specter shed his Democratic Party affiliation to run as a Republican. That move may have offended a few local pols, but the potential consequences of his more recent shift are more significant: it puts the Democrats one Al Franken victory away from a filibuster-proof majority.

(2) Theodore Roosevelt, 1912

The 26th President's belief in rugged individualism extended to his own political career. Two years after finishing his second term as President, Roosevelt announced his candidacy for a third in 1911. After incumbent William Howard Taft won the Republican nomination, Roosevelt struck out on his own to form the Progressive Party, better known as the Bull Moose Party after Roosevelt's boast to reporters that he was "as strong as a bull moose." Roosevelt wasn't strong enough to win the election, losing to Democrat Woodrow Wilson, though he did outdraw Taft in the popular vote. Nonetheless, his run siphoned enough progressives away from the GOP to give the party a distinctly more conservative feel in the ensuing years.

(3) Wendell Willkie, 1939

A liberal Democrat in his early years, in 1932 Willkie took a break from corporate law to seek the Democratic Party's presidential nomination. After losing to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, he went into business for the nation's largest utility-holding company and grew into an outspoken opponent of Roosevelt's New Deal. In 1939 he joined the Republican Party, winning the presidential nomination in 1940 but taking a beating from Roosevelt in the general election. During World War II, Willkie did another 180, going on several diplomatic missions in staunch support of the President's wartime policies. By the time he decided to oppose Roosevelt in the 1944 presidential race, his seesawing loyalties had given Republican power brokers whiplash. They threw the nomination to Thomas Dewey instead. Undeterred, Willkie announced that he would create a new political party but died of a heart attack before the election.

(4) Hillary Clinton, 1960s

The daughter of a Republican father and a Democratic mother, in 1960 13-year-old Hillary Rodham canvassed for Richard Nixon on Chicago's South Side. She also worked as a "Goldwater girl" in the 1964 presidential election — cowgirl outfit and all — and was elected president of the Wellesley Young Republicans as a freshman the following year. "I'm a heart liberal, but a mind conservative," she wrote to a high school friend during college. By graduation, the young leader had decided to follow her heart, stepping down from her GOP post because of her views on civil rights and the Vietnam War and throwing her support behind Eugene McCarthy for President. In 1972, she campaigned for unsuccessful presidential hopeful George McGovern — with the help of her new boyfriend, Bill Clinton.

(5) Ronald Reagan, 1962

He may be the patron saint of limited government, but Ronald Reagan started out as a registered Democrat and New Deal supporter. An F.D.R. fan, the Gipper campaigned for Helen Gahagan Douglas in her fruitless 1950 Senate race against Richard Nixon and encouraged Dwight D. Eisenhower to run for President as a Democrat in 1952. While he was working as a spokesman for General Electric, however, his views shifted right. "Under the tousled boyish haircut," he wrote Vice President Nixon of John F. Kennedy in 1960, "is still old Karl Marx." By the time it actually happened in 1962, Reagan's decision to cross over to the GOP didn't come as much of a surprise. "I didn't leave the Democratic Party," he famously said. "The party left me."

(6) Strom Thurmond, 1964

Running for President as a Dixiecrat in 1948, Strom Thurmond declared that "all the laws of Washington and all the bayonets of the Army cannot force the Negro into our homes, our schools, our churches and our places of recreation." By 1964, with civil rights marching onward, it was clear that his fellow Democrats disagreed. Thurmond jumped ship, joining the Republican Party that year. The first major Southern pol to cross the aisle during the civil rights era, the South Carolina Senator marked the beginning of the GOP's appeal to white, Southern conservatives, and helped turn a former blue state red.

(7) Condoleezza Rice, 1982

Speaking at the 2000 Republican National Convention, Condoleezza Rice said her father, a Presbyterian minister, was the Republican she admired most. "The Democrats in Jim Crow Alabama of 1952 would not register him to vote," she said. "The Republicans did." Nonetheless, voting in her first presidential election in 1976, the 27-year-old Rice was a registered Democrat and cast her ballot for Carter. By 1979, however, as a young professor, she was disappointed with what she saw as the President's soft treatment of the Soviet Union and his handling of the Iran hostage crisis. She voted for Reagan in 1980 and joined the GOP in 1984.

(8) Richard Shelby, 1994

Just one day after the Republicans won control of both houses of Congress in the 1994 midterm elections, marking the end of 40 years of Democratic dominance, second-term Alabama Senator Richard Shelby jumped ship from the listing Democratic Party. Popular in his home state, Shelby had publicly butted heads with President Bill Clinton, voting against the young Administration on almost every partisan issue. By joining the Republicans, Shelby boosted their advantage in the Senate to 53-47. "I am changing to a party of hope for America," he proclaimed.

(9) Michael Bloomberg, 2001

A lifelong Democrat, in 2001 Michael Bloomberg found the party too packed with career politicians to give him any shot at becoming New York City mayor. He ran as a Republican instead, and won. He stayed put for the next few years, raising money for the GOP's 2004 convention in New York City and contributing to the campaigns of President George W. Bush and other Republican candidates. In 2007, however — in what was widely viewed as a prelude to a presidential run — Bloomberg bolted, dismissing the political-party system as a "swamp of dysfunction" and registering as an independent. But old habits die hard: for the 2009 mayoral election, Bloomberg is running on both the independent and Republican tickets.

(10) Jim Jeffords, 2001

An open critic of the GOP's 1994 "Contract with America" and one of only five Senate Republicans to vote against both articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton in 1999, Vermont Senator Jim Jeffords left the Republican Party in 2001. By becoming the only independent in the Senate, he threw the chamber's carefully calibrated balance of power out of whack, giving the Democrats a 50-49 edge — and thereby granting them all the committee chairmanships and control of the legislative calendar and agenda. At the time, Arlen Specter said Jeffords' defection was "like a death in the family," and noted that the loss ought to prompt the GOP to move toward the center.
But if we look at the reasons for political defection between our country and the USA, we will notice that  in the USA the reasons were  due to their political  principles, but in our country, the motive was for greed, power and monies.

Mupok aku

"Agi Idup Agi Ngelaban"

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

23 Years Land Scam Cost RM 100m by 4 UMNO MBs In Selangor Exposed

Congratulations to Tan Sri Khalid and PKR team in Selangor.
SHAH ALAM, Nov 16 - The sheer scale of mismanagement in the failed Bukit Botak squatter development project in Selayang is amazing.
Some 2,300 families have been waiting 23 years while the plans of four successive Barisan Nasional mentri besars cost the state and the Selangor Development Corporation (PKNS) well over RM100 million to develop the public housing project for the squatters.

They are still waiting.

Datuk Ahmad Razali - UMNO MB that first started the Project

And documents, declassified by Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim today, further revealed that PKNS stood to lose a further RM136 million if the project had not been stopped.
The project in Selayang, initiated during the administration of Datuk Ahmad Razali Mohd Ali in 1986, was intended to provide homes for the squatters living in Bukit Botak in 81.34 hectares (201 acres) of land.

2nd UMNO MB - Continued with the Project

Under the administration of Tan Sri Muhammad Muhammad Taib, Shah Alam Properties (SAP) were appointed as the development project manager and RM17 million was allocated, for development costs, including the provision of water, electricity and street lights for the project.
However, due to technical problems, the project was abandoned in 1992.

3rd UMNO MB that Continued the Failure

Subsequently, under Datuk Dr Abu Hassan Omar, the project was revived and Delpuri Sdn Bhd was chosen by the state government to complete the project.
However, documents disclosed by the state today indicates Delpuri, appointed in Nov 1996, was established just two months before and there were directors who had no experience in housing development while one was a former Hulu Selangor District officer.
The squatters were required to pay for the cost of the houses and infrastructure to Delpuri, while the premium of the land was to be paid to the state government.
Delpuri was to provide either temporary homes or pay the squatters, who had to leave the area, RM300 a month until the project was completed.
The state government approved the transfer of a further 32.99 acres of land for Delpuri to build the temporary homes and apartment for the squatters.
As a sign of the commitment, the squatters were required to pay Delpuri a commitment fee of RM1,000 and 1,371 individuals were given titles between 2003 and 2005.
However, this project also stalled, after some initially development, and serious problems have been detected with Delpuri’s management.
Among them, the company had failed to hand over to the Gombak Land Office land premium amounting to RM597,193.50, collected from 200 squatters.
They had also failed to build the temporary homes and were inconsistent in distributing the RM300 subsidy.

4th UMNO MB - Khir Toyol before the Botox Injection..Real Jawa from Indonesia

In 2005, Datuk Seri Dr Khir Toyo instructed PKNS to complete the project, while Delpuri’s contract was terminated with no action taken again the company despite the losses to the squatters and the state government.
Instead, Delpuri Corporation was one of three contractors appointed by PKNS to carry out the work and was given the lion’s shared of the contract.
Despite the risk, PKNS was given no choice but to take over the project and had to spend RM48 million – for the contracts, professional fees, subsidies and other payments – and a further RM136 million if the project was not stopped.
Meanwhile, the state estimates that land in Bukit Botak is today worth almost RM40 million while the former squatters have collectively paid RM7.8 million to Delpuri but have yet to receive their homes.
While attempting to help the former squatters, the current state government has also discovered that land was given to individuals who were not entitled to it in the first place.
This includes individuals who were still minors, including one who was only eight years old in 1985.

PKR MB That Exposed Everything...Lesson Learn for BN sarawak and Taib Mahmud

Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim today said a task force led by executive councillor Iskandar Abdul Samad has been set up to investigate the wrongdoing and fraud involved in the allocations of land to former squatters and will ensure only those who are entitled actually get the land.
"How Fast Will MACC Respond to this revelation?"
The task force also includes Gombak Land Office, legal advisors and representatives of the former squatters.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sarawak United People Party (SUPP) Reminds Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) To Shut-UP

All this while SUPP has been kept quiet over swap of seat between the party and PRS to accomodate Larry Sng, the partyless Assistant Minister with three potfolios.
But yesterday,Sunday 15th Nov 2009, Sih Hua Tong , the SUPP youth Chairman had lashed out at PRS not to interfere in SUPP internal affair. Sih was responded to PRS Pelagus grassroot leaders through former Pelagus Assemblyman Philimon Nuing who suggested that Sng shoudl contest Meradong. Under BN sarawak seat allocation, Meradong was allocated to SUPP but it lost Meradong to DAP in the 2006th State election.

PRS is a very much a Multi-Racial Party...James Jemut Masing During PBDS Leadership Crisis 2004

PRS is a multi-racial party as claimed by it unpopular President Dr James Jemut Masing. Jemut was saying this during PBDS leadership crisis in 2004 which caused the deregisteration of the only pure Dayak party in the world, the PBDS.
The same people that about six years ago claimed that  PRS was the multi-racial party, now saying that Pelagus is best representing by the Iban...
The Iban Traitor that now trying to tell the dayak that they are best representing us..I only have this to PRS...FART YOU!

Mupok aku

"Agi Idup Agi Ngelaban"

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Catholic paper will get 2010 permit

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 13 – The dispute over next year’s publishing permit for Malaysia’s sole Catholic newspaper The Herald is settled and it will continue to be published next year while Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein today hotly denied it had ever revoked the permit.
Reverend Father Lawrence Andrew confirmed talk that the newpaper’s annual licence, which is under the scope of the Home Affairs Ministry, has been approved.
“It’s not a victory or anything,” Andrew told The Malaysian Insider over the phone while on his way home after an hour-long dialogue with senior aides to Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein in Putrajaya this evening.
“They are now talking sense, using reason instead of emotion,” he added.
Andrew expects to receive the permit within a week, after he reminded ministry officials of the bad experience he had in getting the current permit.
He had been notified the 2009 permit was approved only on Dec 31, the expiry date of the previous year’s permit, and received the permit proper only in January.
“They said they are issuing it,” Andrew said.
All print media owners here must have a publishing permit or risk jail and a fine under the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984.
The issue had caused a public outcry a few days after being highlighted by The Malaysian Insider earlier in the week.
But national news agency Bernama reported Hishammuddin today calling the revocation report baseless as the weekly's publication was still allowed in four languages namely Malay, English, Mandarin and Tamil.
"The only issue here is whether they would be allowed to print The Herald in Kadazandusun," he told a news conference after chairing a post-cabinet meeting here today.
Hishammuddin said that the weekly's editor had sent a letter to the ministry informing them of a deferment in the publication of the Kadazandusun version.
The parish priest of St Anne’s Church in Port Klang had been invited to a meeting yesterday with Hishammuddin’s special officer, Datuk Lau Yeng Peng, to clear up the confusion caused by two letters issued by the ministry a few months back.
Other key staffers also present at the meeting included Datuk Michael Chong, also a special officer to the home minister; and the head of the publication control and Quranic text division.
“We are to take the first letter and ignore the second letter,” Andrew said, adding that “the confusion was caused by wrong wording in the letters.”
Andrew did not want to comment further on the explanations from the ministry, but confirmed that one of the reasons given requested him to write in for a refund for “payment made too early”.
Ministry officials said the church only needed to pay the fee three months before the permit expires, implying that it was too hasty when it paid in August instead of October.
The ministry had on Aug 5, sent out a letter approving the 2010 permit for the paper to publish in four languages: Bahasa Malaysia, English, Mandarin and Tamil.
In the same letter, it noted the church had applied to publish in Kadazandusun, an ethnic language widely used in Sabah, but rejected the request, even though a large number of Malaysia’s 850,000 Catholics hail from Borneo. No reasons were given.
The ministry then requested the church to pay the RM800 fee made out to the Chief Secretary of the Home Affairs Ministry through a bank draft or money order within a month from the date of the letter, or before the current permit expires, which is on Dec 31.
The letter was undersigned Norlin Mudzafar on behalf of the home ministry’s chief secretrary.
The church promptly paid up within the month.
The next month, Andrew said, he received another letter from the ministry, dated Sept 3, and undersigned by Abdul Razak Abdul Latif from the publication control and Quranic text division, also on behalf of the ministry’s chief secretary.
The second letter rejected an application to change the language, which puzzled Andrew because he did not remember applying to change any language in The Herald.
The priest was more confused when the letter instructed him to furnish the ministry with four documents for a refund on the RM800 fee, namely: a valid copy of the bank statement in the name of the publisher, the “Titular Roman Catholic Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur”; a valid copy of the applicant’s identity card (IC); a valid copy of the organisation’s registration certificate; and a letter requesting a refund.

Christians Here Called God "Allah" Since Year 1631

Home Ministry officials in Putrajaya today were stunned to learn that the word “Allah” had been used by Catholics in this country to refer to the Christian God hundreds of years ago.
“I told them that ‘Allah’ had been used in this country because the lingua franca at that time was Malay,” Reverend Father Lawrence Andrew, the priest-editor of The Herald, told The Malaysian Insider.
The priest had met several senior aides to Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein in Putrajaya earlier this evening to clear up the confusion over the Catholic paper’s on-off publishing permit for next year.
Among the staffers present were the ministry’s head of publication control and Quranic texts and two special officers to Hishammuddin, Datuk Lau Yeng Peng and Datuk Michael Chong.
Andrew described the meeting as “cordial”.
During the hour-long dialogue, Andrew took the chance to draw their attention to a Malay-Latin dictionary published in 1631 which showed the translation for “Allah” and a Catholic prayer book published in 1894 brought over from Hong Kong.
The priest related that Hishammuddin’s aides were surprised to learn that Catholics had used the word “Allah” outside the Muslim context over four hundred years ago but declined to comment on the issue, explaining it was beyond their scope.
The church is challenging the home minister’s ban in recent years on it publishing the word “Allah” to refer to the Christian God.
The ministry first threatened to cancel The Herald’s licence last year, effectively shutting down the country’s only Catholic publication.
The High Court here had earlier this week ejected nine Islamic bodies from intervening in the suit.
The fight to decide who can use the word “Allah” to mean what will be heard on Dec 14.

Mupok aku

"Agi Idup Agi Ngelaban"

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Top 10 Sexiest Female Politicians in the World

It seems this year in politics is all about women. We had one who nearly became the Democratic nominee, one who is the Republican VP nominee and possibly a heartbeat away from the presidency. Women are the hot topic in politics, but are they hot? Earlier in the primaries, Jack Nicholson recorded a commercial in favor Hillary Clinton and used a quote from one of his movies where he said “There is nothing on this earth sexier, believe me gentleman, than a woman that you have to salute in the morning.” With that, here are 10 of the world's sexiest female politicians.

10. Sitrida Geagea

Sitrida Geagea is a Lebanese politician renowned for her beauty and a media favorite in Lebanon. She is from a wealthy, prominent Lebanese family. While at University, she met and married Samir Farid Geagea, the leader of the right wing Lebanese Forces (LF) political party. When Samir was imprisoned for 11 years for political reasons after the Lebanese Civil war, Sitrida led LF. Being kept away from Sitrida for 11 years is quite a sentence.

9. Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton is the lady that nearly made it to the White House on her own accord. That takes balls. This is one female politician people either love or hate. She clearly isn't the most attractive female politician in the world, and SNL even call her a flurge. That said, you have to respect her tenacity, gustiness and those 18 million cracks. No matter who wins this year's election she'll still be one of the most powerful politicians in American, and power is damn sexy!

8. Belinda Stronach

Belinda Stronach is a member of the Canadian Parliament and a bombshell to boot. She is the daughter of a wealthy auto parts manufacture and a respected business woman herself. In 2001 the National Post named her "the most powerful business woman in Canada". Her entry into politics has not been smooth - she's switched parties, made mistakes and had her head Photoshopped onto someone else body. The twice married mother of two has a long history of dating or having affairs with Hockey players. When asked about her personal life she retorted "Let's face it. I don't sit at home and knit on Friday nights." This is my kind of politician.

7. Julia Gillard

Julia Gillard ain't no oil painting, but she is the Deputy Prime Minister of Australia and Australians love her (and Australians usually have pretty good taste). The red headed power house has a kick wit, a way with words and has been dubbed "sexy" by the Australian press. Last year she came in behind former Miss Universe Jenifer Hawkins as the number two sexiest woman in the country by men's magazine Ralph. The magazine then offered her $50,000 to pose in a bikini, which she declined.. Australia has either run out of beautiful women, or Julia's power has gone to there head.

6. Cristina Fernadez de Kirchner

Cristina is the President of Argentina, with a style likened to Eva Peron. Prior to leading the people of Argentina she was Argentina's First Lady and a Senator for Buenos Aires Province. That's right - she one upped Hillary Clinton and stole her play book. This sexy South American thrashed the other candidates in the 2007 election, beating her nearest rival by 22%. Interestingly she won by winning the votes of the urban working class and the rural poor. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner has a sexy name and is a total PILF.

5. Ruby Dhalla

Ruby Dhalla is a 34 year old Canadian politician of Indian descent. She is a member of the Liberal party, a power house of Canadian politics. She has long worked to make a difference. In 1984 when some Sikhs were shot by Indian soldiers at Punjab’s Golden Temple, a 10 year old Ruby wrote to India’s Prime Minister Indira Gandhi asking for the violence to end. Gandhi personally responded to the letter and quoted it at a subsequent press conference. Compassion is as sexy as looking fine in a fancy dress.

4. Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin is currently a political phenomenon in the United States. Four years ago she was the mayor of a small town in Alaksa and now she’s possibly a heart beat a way from the Presidency. The small town self described hockey mom is a former beauty queen and star athlete. The Tina Fey look-a-like can hunt, shoot hoops and just gave birth while Governor of Alaska. You may disagree with her politics – but you can’t help admire her. Plus - all those sexy Photoshopped images are making this election very entertaining.

3. Yulia Tymoshenko

Yulia Tymoshenko is the current Prime Minister of Ukraine. She was instrumental in Ukraine’s Orange Revolution – where in 2004 the country came to a stand still following a Communist-backed, rigged election. Yulia was deemed the Joan of Arc of the Revolution. She is famed for her plaited hairstyle, which almost looks like a crown.
Since coming to power Forbes Magazine has named her the 3rd most powerful woman in the world and Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail dubbed her “one of the most beautiful women to ever enter politics”.

2. Alina Kabaeva

Alina is most famous for her career in gymnastics. She is Russia’s most successful gymnast to date and has won 18 World championship medals, 2 Olympic Medals and 25 European Championship medals. In 2007 after retiring from Gymnastics, Alina became a member of the Russian parliament, representing the pro-Kremlin United Russia party. Earlier this year it was rumored that Former Russian President and Current Prime Minister Vladimir Putin was to leave his wife and marry Alina. Both dismissed the rumor. Alina is best known for her extreme flexibility – a good quality for a politician.

1. Mara Rosaria Carfagna

Mara Carfagna is an Italian politician and currently serves as the Minister for Equal Opportunity. The former showgirl, model and TV presenter has been described as “the most beautiful minister in the world" and is referred to as "Mara La Bella" ("Beautiful Mara"). Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is enamored with her and was once overheard saying "If I was not already married I would have married her immediately". It is speculated that Carfagna and Berlusconi are entangled in a secret affair. Recorded telephone conversation between the two has been described as “erotic in nature” and involving oral sex. The yet to be published conversations were recorded while Berlusconi was under investigation and had his phones tapped. Mara is one hot female politician who’s not afraid to get on hands and knees and do the hard work. She puts Monica Lewinsky to shame.

What about the female Politicians in Malaysia. Do we have any sexy female politicians? None in BN but I may dare to say that we have few beautiful, young and sexy female politicians from DAP and PKR.

Mupok aku

"Agi Idup Agi Ngelaban"

Alantuya Murder-PI Bala drops Bombshell 3: Update 1

VVIPs likely to be named

FINALLY, private investigator P.Balasubramaniam has come out of hiding after 15 months to give a no holds barred interview on what happened to him.
In the presence of three prominent lawyers on Oct 27, he reaffirmed that his first statutory declaration released on July 3 last year was true and that he was offered to RM5million to retract it.
He named carpet businessman Deepak—who is said to be an associate of Rosmah Mansor, the wife of Prime Minister Najib Razak—as the person who met him at a Rawang restaurant and made the cash offer.
Excepts of the video interview has been posted on YouTube

In the interview, Bala said Deepak made more than a cash offer.

“He asked me to go to Putrajaya but he never mentioned who he wanted me to go and meet… then after that he offered me RM5million to retract the SD,” Bala said.
The meeting allegedly took place at a restaurant in Rawang, on the same day Bala’s statutory declaration became public alleging links between Najib, his aide Razak Baginda and murdered Mongolian model Altantuya Shaaribu.
Today, the first part of Bala’s interview appeared on YouTube and Raja Petra’s .This is to be followed by a series of other portions of his Bombshell 3 expose.
Bala is likely to name people who played a role in the retraction of his first statutory declaration, which was replaced by a second one read out at a press conference the next day, on July 4 last year.
It is learnt that some of the personalities to be named are those close to the Prime Minister and his wife as well as senior police officers.
The 50-year- old former Special Branch officer is also expected to give a full account of his family’s ordeal while hiding away from Malaysia.It is learnt that he and his family first went to Singapore , then flew to Bangkok before arriving in New Dehli via Kathmandu.
Who are the people and why they went to such lengths to buy Bala’s silence is likely to become clearer as his expose in the interview unfolds.

Mupok Aku

"Agi Idup Agi Ngelaban"

Barisan Nasional Sarawak Dictatorship

"2nd Suspension Due to Abuse of Power and System By BN"

Dictatorship according to Wikipedia is defined as an autocratic form of government in which the government is ruled by an individual, the dictator, without hereditary ascension.

The most recent, highly-publicized example of a country that was undeniably a dictatorship was Germany in World War II, which was under the absolute rule of Adolf Hitler. Whereas the most recent dictatorship that I experience myself is a Barisan Nasional under Taib Mahmud that has been ruling Sarawak for more than 25 years.
Since the number of opposition assemblymen in Sarawak DUN has increased, BN Sarawak has been criticized heavily by the opposition assemblymen. Barisan Nasional in the past especially after PBDS joined BN, has been having freedom to hide their blunders from the public. To maintain their freedom, in year 2007 they(BN Reps) have approved the DUN (Privileges and Powers) Ordinance 2007.The main purpose of the Ordinance is to curb opposition assemblymen from criticizing Taib Mahmud or Barisan Nasional.
The latest casualty of the Ordinance was a Kota Sentosa Assemblyman who is also the Bandar Kuching MP and the Democratic Action Party (DAP) secretary YB Chong Chieng Jen.Yesterday, YB Chong Chieng was suspended from attending the DUN sitting for the rest of the sitting starting from Yesterday. He was suspended due to his comment which was published in a local newspaper, which said that a single person had control over the state budgetary allocation.
In defending his move in tabling the motion to suspend Chong, Second Finance Minister Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh yesterday described state Democratic Action Party (DAP) secretary Chong Chieng Jen’s statement as damaging to the state and could “destroy” Sarawak economically because no investor would invest in the state if its coffer was controlled by one single person.

All BN Politicians are in Taib Pocket

Even though Datuk Wong Soon Koh said that the budgetary allocation had to pass through several processes or committees before it reached the state cabinet and the chief minister, but the question is, who is among the BN Assemblymen that dare to question or oppose  Taib ? 
And if Taib has no influenced over Sarawak   budgeter y allocation, why the budget was not fairly distributed among  all the divisions in Sarawak. For example the 10th MDP Budget , 85% of its went to Northern part of Sarawak (Taib hometown)? 

Abuse of Power

Invoking  the DUN (Privileges and Powers) Ordinance 2007 against the assemblyman  that exposing BN wrongdoing was an abused of power. MACC should take immediate action without waiting for someone to come forward to make a  report.
Hope with the pro-active action by MACC, Sarawak BN will not abuse their  power in the future. As a reminder for Taib Mahmud and his cronies...Please learn something from Selangor and Penang, your wrondoing will be exposed to the  public once PAKATAN took over Sarawak...

Mupok aku

"Agi Idup Agi Ngelaban"

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