

Saturday, September 19, 2009

DNA Confirmed Nordin Mat Top Dead-He Is Now In Paradise Sorround By 23 Virgins

JI Members believed paradise held the promise of 72 virgins for single men, but only 23 if a man had been married on earth. As for Nordin, since he was married with two wives while he was still alive , in paradise he will be only awarded with 23 virgins!
According to Reuters report from JAKARTA on Sept 19, the Forensic tests on the DNA from the body of a man killed during a raid by Indonesian police this week confirm he was Noordin Mohammad Top, one of Asia's most wanted militants. He was first reported died in an ambushed mounted by Indonesian special forces in early August 2009 but was later confirmed that the man suspected to be Nordin was Ibrohim who worked as a florist in the Ritz-Carlton hotel. With his death, Nordin has fulfilled the call made by Jemaiah Islamaiah spiritual leader Abu Bakar Ba’asyir as and he is now must be in “heaven”. Abu Bakar Ba’asyir has stated his belief that Indonesia must adhere to Sharia law and had called for all muslims to wage a Jihad war as he said:-
"There is no nobler life than to die as a martyr for jihad. None. The highest deed in Islam is Jihad. If we commit to Jihad, we can neglect other deeds, even fasting and prayer". 'It's the key to paradise, everything will be very, very nice,'.
And then in late 2007 he gave a controversy sermon and allegedly refers to tourists in Bali as 'worms, snakes and maggots' with specific reference to the immorality of Australian infidels.. by saying that “the young must be first at the front line, don't hide at the back. You must be at the front, dies as martyrs and all your sins will be forgiven. This is how to achieve forgiveness...'” Based on their (JI) belief (JI) Malaysian-born Noordin, must be now in heaven! This belief is not strength. Remember the Bali bombers and murderers , Imam Samudera, another Abu Bakar Ba’asyir followers when he was sentenced to death by firing squad said that he win and will not afraid to die as he would be going to paradise, as he said to Sydney radio station 2UE:
He believed paradise held the promise of 72 virgins for single men, but only 23 if a man had been married on earth. As for Nordin, since he was married with two wives while he was still alive , in paradise he will be only awarded with 23 virgins!
And for Nordin Mat Top, before he was shot dead by Indonesia special forces, he had eluded authorities for years. With his death, we hope that South East Asia will become free from terrorist’s threat.
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