

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Masing Warns Not To Accentuate May 13th In Sarawak

Wednesday, 26th May 2010

Represent the Iban young generation, I am reminding  James Jemut Masing not to accentuate May 13th ethnic unrest in Sarawak,just because our friends from Semenanjung helping us to kick you and the rest of the coward Ibans member of the state councill from DUN. No matter of what,  May 13 incident will not be happened  in sarawak as long as UMNO or PERKASA  is not coming to Sarawak.
May 13 is a term for the Sino-Malay sectarian violences in Kuala Lumpur (then part of the state of Selangor), Malaysia, which began on May 13, 1969. The riots led to a declaration of a state of national emergency and suspension of Parliament by the Malaysian government, while the National Operations Council (NOC or Majlis Gerakan Negara, MAGERAN) was established to temporarily govern the country between 1969 and 1971.
As a result of this worst ethnic conflict in Malaysia, 196 people were killed between May 13 and July 31 as a result of the riots, although journalists and other observers have stated much higher figures. Other reports at the time suggest over 2,000 were killed by rioters, police and Malaysian Army rangers, mainly in Kuala Lumpur. Many of the dead were quickly buried in unmarked graves in the Kuala Lumpur General Hospital grounds by soldiers of Malaysian Engineers.
May 13 incident was a clashed between Malay and Chinese as many people believed was started by some extreme UMNO members.
James Jemut Masing as qouted by Borneo post in it today publication said that the Peninsular based party should not bring the style of campaign that they used in Peninsular to Sarawak as it may cause another May 13 incident in the state. Based on his statement it was seem to me that this "coward minister" did not use his brain but instead used the one that located on his "knee" when making such comment.
Remaung6Renjer has this question for Masing, in which way will the Peninsular campaign style may cause ethnic riot in Sarawak? Being the dayak himself, he should thanking  Lim Kit Siang, YAB Lim Guang Eng and Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for defending the right of the dayaks especially in protecting their NCR lands, the roles that he and the rest of the coward Iban leaders had  failed to do.
Being the young dayaks/Iban myself, I look down at the dayak  ministers but they should not put a blame on me but instead they must blame themselves for their failure to serve the dayak therefore not accepted by my generation. If PM Najib check  the Iban/dayak minister's KPI, he should be given them the "Not Meeting Expectations" rating. They are on  their comfort zone and  no bother to fight for their communities.

Just look at what happened in Miri. As reported by the local newspaper, the big companies have been using thugs or gangsters to rob the Ibans of theirs NCR lands. Although few police reports have been lodged by the land owners, but so far no action has been taken to protect the land owners or to prosecute their NCR lands robbers. As normal the only feedback that they gave to the land owners is that their reports are still under investigation. For how long is the investigation going to be closed ? Is it until some one being killed or the "ngayau" taken place?
Masing what have you done to help the Land Owners to fight for their NCR lands against the gangsters hired by the big companies? And What Wrong with PR action in helping the Iban to fight for their Lands? Are you happy to see your people of being robbed of their NCR lands?....COWARD MASING

If Masing and all the arrogant Iban Ministers are sincere in helping the Iban/dayak why don't they do something about it? And why blame PR for helping the dayak/Iban?

We Warn You Masing and all the Iban Ministers Under Taib mahmud Regime

I would like to advise Masing to secretly do the survey on the support of the young Ibans ( Below age of 55 years) for  BN (Be End). I am not surprise that they will get the unexpected result. Based on my own survey, I discovered out of 10 people that I asked, I got the following result:-
1) 70 % support PR
2) 20 % Support BN
3) 10 % Support PR but afraid to show their support openly to PR due to he still working with government
So Masing, even though the sample taken was very minimum but the sample clearly indicated that the majority of the educated and young Iban prefer PR compare to BN.
Once again I repeat here that May 13 will not going to happen here in Sarawak UNLESS the government allows UMNO or PERKASA  thugs to campaign or expand to Sarawak.

To the young Iban..move on brother..LAWAN TETAP LAWAN...

Mupok Aku

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