

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Differences Between the Anti-Muslim Protest in UK and A Cow Head Protest in Shah Alam.

On 28th August 2009 about three days before Malayan celebrates it 56th Independent Day from Britian, A group, claiming to be Muslim residents of Section 23 in Shah Alam, the new site of the temple which is to be relocated, held a demonstration outside the Selangor state secretariat, dragging a severed cow-head, an animal sacred in Hinduism, which they stomped and spat. According to the spokemen of the group Mohd. Zurit(Sound like burit or ass) Bin Ramli, they protest the building of the temple because 90% of the population in the area were muslims( later confirmed only 60% were Muslims), and according to him
“With a temple on our residential area, we cannot function properly as Muslims. The temple will disrupt our daily activities like prayers in the Surau. We cannot concentrate with the sounds coming from the temple. The temple will also will cause traffic jam ".
The protest took place under the gaze of the riot police, the government agency which is popular with their inhumane treatment against the opposition protesters, without taking any action what to say to disperse the protesters The next day, The Home Minister Hishamuddin Hussien (or popularly known as Keris Mudin among oppositions) said five days later that the residents of Section 23 should not be charged as they only wanted their voices to be heard but it was unfortunate that “the publicity they received was negative as it was linked with racial and religious sentiments.” But on 3rd September 2009 he changed his stand amid mounting pressure from Pakatan Rakyat that wanted him to be sacked as the Home Minister.

Muslim Protesters in England! In Great Britian angered by a protest mounted by a bearded Islamists during British soldiers returning from Iraq, holding up signs accusing the men of being "butchers" ,"baby-killers and “Anglian Soldiers Go to Hell’ English Defense League, tried to mount a protest in Birmingham, where they clashed with anti-fascist demonstrators. In August 2009 , the League's second attempt at a Birmingham protest quickly descended into violence, with some 200 people, many of them of South Asian descent, seen fighting, throwing projectiles and running from riot police. Police made 90 arrests. The latest incident on Friday, 11th Sep 2009, an openly Islamophobic group, Stop Islamification of Europe (SIOE), promised an evening protest outside a northwest London mosque to coincide with the eighth anniversary of Sept. 11 and with Ramadan, the Muslim holy month.Only a handful of demonstrators showed up — and they were vastly outnumbered by Muslims c0ming to defend the mosque.Police hustled the protesters away from the angry crowd. But television footage showed Muslim youths racing through the streets shouting "Allahu Akbar!", waving Islamic banners and throwing projectiles at riot police. Scotland Yard reported 10 arrests. And on Saturday, 12th September 2009, Communities Minister John Denham accused the anti-Islam protesters of deliberately stirring up trouble.

"The tactic of trying to provoke a response in the hope of causing wider violence and mayhem is long established on the far-right and among extremist groups," Denham was quoted as saying by The Guardian newspaper. "You could go back to the 1930s if you wanted to — Cable Street."
Can we see the different between how the government and its agencies handled the incidences in Shah Alam and in England?
In Shah Alam the protest happening in front the riot police, just because they were Muslims and mooted by UMNO their boss, no actions were taken either to disperse or to arrest the protesters. And five days later, the UMNO minister who was in-charge of internal affairs of the nation announced that he did not blame them for their actions.
Where as in Great Britain, both of the groups were protected and arrested by the Police. And the next day, the minister who himself was a Christian, condemned openly the action of the SIOE. As a conclusion Hishamuddin and the police must be faired and seen fair to all Malaysian irrespective of religions and races. Being the public servants they must serve all Malaysians, or they should not holding the job entrusted to them.
As for Hishamuddin (Keris Mudin) his personality is not suitable for an Internal Affairs Minister...BUKIT TUNGGAL.
Mupok aku.
"Agi Idup Agi Ngelaban"

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